appraisal Methods

Describe the appraisal methods selected.

An example of an absolute standards appraisal method is a critical incident. Critical incidents are those precise behaviors required to complete a job effectively. Here, behavioral qualities exhibited by employees in a position are recognized in writing. The incident report should not focus on the employees’ conducts and their outcomes, rather on the personal behaviors of the employee. A benefit of this process is that, in time of an official appraisal session, the dialogue can address definite negative and positive precarious occurrences to help support an unbiased assessment of the worker’s performance. A detriment is that regular documentation of critical occurrences can be time-overriding. A relative standard is a performance appraisal technique whereby an assessor rates workers according to pre-determined dissemination. An instance is a similar standard which involves the employer comparing one employee with other employees.

Contrast and compare the similarities and differences between the two.

The critical incident involves focusing on the employee’s conduct and results while comparative standards involve comparing an employee with other employees by the employer. A similarity is that they both are included in the assessment of employees in their work performance because of improving or commending the performance of employees.

Which method provides unsurpassed performance appraisal experience for an employee? Explain your answer.

The best method to provide the best performance appraisal experience for an employee is a critical incident. This is because it focuses more on the employee’s performance in a lengthy period. The method is task-focused on essential duties of a worker’s job and how well they perform their functions. Therefore, the yearly performance appraisal is not overly influenced by an employee’s recent problems or accomplishments but their annual performance making it easy to evaluate their impact in business.

What is the purpose of progressive discipline program? Include four steps taken during progressive discipline. Give an example of employee behavior that will validate a manager skipping phases in the continuous discipline procedure?

Progressive discipline procedure that deals with job-associated behavior which did not achieve communication and anticipated communicated performance levels. Principal resolves of progressive discipline are to help workers comprehend that a performance prospect or problem for progress exists. The procedure includes a chain of progressively recognized efforts to deliver a response to workers to give them a chance to correct the problem. Objectives of the following correction are to get the employee’s attention so they can comprehend employee performance development is crucial if they are to stay employed. Progressive discipline is utmost effective as it aids a person to become a more efficient executing worker of the company.

The steps taken in progressive discipline systems include; counseling the worker about their performance and determine their understanding of necessities. Issues contributing to poor performance should be ascertained. The problems are not always instantaneously apparent to the manager. These issues should be solved if possible. An example of a situation is when an employee does not understand the goals of what they need to contribute. Secondly, the employee should receive a verbal reprimand for their poor performance. The employee should be notified that the next steps will be documented during the progressive discipline process and termination can be an outcome at some point during the continuous discipline procedures if a company considers an employee unable to improve despite frequent warnings. The conversation should be documented. Thirdly, a formal written, verbal notice should be inserted in the worker’s file, in a determination of improving workers’ performance. Fourthly, afford an escalating amount of days in which the worker is suspended minus pay. Begin with a day off, increase to three and later to five. Lastly, the employee should be fired if they refuse to improve.

An example in a situation when an employer should skip some of the steps is when employees hold a screaming match in the middle of the company’s quarters in hearing and view of other employees. Most of the work being carried out was halted because of these actions taking most of the other employees’ attention and discussion. Neither of the employees had ever had any disciplinary action taken against them. Nonetheless, on this occasion, because of the extensive impact of their efforts, they each received a week off-unpaid- to think of appropriate work behavior.

Does emphasizing acceptable good behavior play an important role in managing a worker’s performance as a progressive discipline? Give reasons for the answer.

Yes, an employee with good behavior is likely to perform better than undisciplined workers because they are focused on achieving the targets set by the company. Moreover, a well-behaved employee spreads good behavior to most of the colleagues they interact with hence building a cohesive workforce with a view of achieving an organization targets.

In what ways can a manager reinforce positive behaviors in employees?

Be clear in the expectations by using useful directions. Take notice when the employee displays good behavior. Be genuine with your appreciation for employee’s achievement. Show gratitude to your employees. Spread happiness to all your employees. Motivate workers to get their chores done efficiently. Encourage positive thinking among the employees. Appreciate little wins achieved in the company. Use positive messaging to communicate with the employees.


Discourse how Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is associated with a worker’s performance management and appraisal. Which steps can a manager take to avoid discrimination of employees during the processes of termination, progressive discipline, and performance evaluation?

Since the enactment of the Act in 1964, the central government has increasingly involved itself with personnel practices and policies of employers in both the private and public sector. The act forbids employers from prejudicing against workers on criteria of color, race, national origin, religion, and sex. Generally, it applies to employers with an employee base of 15 or more. The enactment seeks to equal the playing ground by forcing companies to deliberate only objective, job-oriented standards in making employment assessments. This act protects employees as history shows biased treatment identified in workplaces.

A manager should ensure that they are fair during the termination of a contract. For example, they should avoid firing an employee for conduct previous employees have been suspended for. A manager should avoid making decisions regarding an employee from national origin, sex, religion, and color during the processes of progressive discipline, termination, and performance evaluation. The manager should use similar standards and procedures to assess everyone’s performance and behavior. For example, a manager should not be quick to punish black employees, downgrade women especially for being self-assured and influential in the workplace or hold staffs with disabilities to higher standards.