Assessment Exercise 2: Anchors and Oars

Assessment Exercise 2: Anchors and Oars

a). The adjectives;

Affectionate, Empathetic, Frank, Generous, Kind, Impartial Persistent, Hardworking, Courteous, Reliable, Sensible, Courageous Sincere, mature, Rational, Intuitive Adventurous and Adaptable


Student, Son, employee, intellect, human being, worker, academician, achiever, football player, designer, financier, gentleman, leader, friend, Achiever, comrade, inspirer and optimist.

(b) Adjectives

Silent, courageous  hormonal, studious,  identity seeking, passionate, Hardworking,  rational, difficult, kind, adaptable, tall, cheerful, curious , anxious, reliable, timid, emotional, nervous, generous, tanned and stunning


Teen, young, child, liberal, son, hard worker, optimist, designer, football player, intellect, human being, friend, person, leader, confident, dancer, short and reliable.

  1. c) Adjectives:

unflinchingly strong, merciful, generous, hardworking, courageous, liberal, rational, achiever, reliable, straightforward, mature, robust, self-esteemed, adaptable and stern.


Parent, father, achiever, hard worker, confident, financier, optimist, intellectual, king, employee, trustee, manager, economist, academician, friend, leader, economic analyst, consultant and husband.

2(a). The above-bolded ideas are my anchors are constant throughout my life. This indicates that they are an essential part o my life. This is because they are ideas and characters that define my personality. Their dominance throughout my life shows how important I value them and have chosen them always to define who I am.

2(b). A lot has changed in me over the last five years including being frank about myself, rational and mature. Some characters for the previous 10 years such as being emotional and nervous have disappeared. In the next 10 years, I expect more changes including starting a family and being a father and husband, stern and straightforward.

  1. The anchors that I have a high potential of making an effective manager out of me. This is because for one to be an effective manager, he/she should be hardworking, reliable and be able to adapt to the changes in the environment, both within and outside the organisation.
  2. However, some of my anchors can prevent me from being an effective manager. For example, being too generous is very dangerous as a leader as it can lead to misappropriation and ineffective utilisation of organisations resources. It can also increase employee absenteeism, leading to low production and reduced organisation profitability.