BIS 155 Week 5 iLab: Summit Ridge Mountain Resort

BIS 155 Week 5 iLab: Summit Ridge Mountain Resort

Detailed analysis concerning Stay A While Longer Apartments



Summit Ridge Mountain Resorts has decided to expand. Because of the popularity of the resort among the business community and families, Summit Ridge has decided to purchase some apartments for guests and seasonal employees to have an extended stay. Because these will prove to be a long-term investment, Summit Ridge has decided to put all complexes on a remodeling rotation to ensure the apartments each have a modern and functional style.

It is now your job to analyze the information regarding the apartments. The owners are looking for some specific information about rentals by apartment size (such as the number of bedrooms per apartment). Based on current housing interest rates, Summit Ridge is considering a sixth apartment complex and has asked you to perform some financial calculations and analyses to determine how adding this new complex to their portfolio enhances the resort’s financial position. They will then use this information to come up with a marketing plan to attract additional customers to the resort.

Remember that you are making a professional analysis and presentation, so be sure to give some thought to what you are trying to recommend to the management of Summit Ridge and why.


After completing the steps below, turn in one Excel 2016 workbook. Rename the workbook with your lastname_first initial_Week5_Lab. xlsx. Example: If your name were Jane Doe, your workbook would be Doe_J_Week5_Lab.xlsx.


Lab 5 Mountain Statistical Analysis
Step Task Points Possible Points Received Comments
1 Insert Functions
1a – b Insert nested function 7
2a Create a search
2a, b Insert nested lookup function 4
3 Manage Database List
3a, c Perform advanced filter and enter database functions 4
4 Loan Amortization
4a, c Insert functions, complete amortization table, and footer 8
5 Conditional Functions
5a, g Insert conditional functions, calculate total and average 8
6 Statistical Functions
6a-d Calculate rank, minimum, and remaining quartile 6
6e Calculate the correlation and format the data 6
7 Using the Analysis of ToolPak
7a-c Use Descriptive Analysis, complete input criteria, set out 6
7d, e Create histogram chart, use quartiles and format chart 6
Comment: What you learned from completing this Lab 5