Business Press Summary & Academic Research Summary

Business Press Summary & Academic Research Summary

•Business Press Summary :Identify an article in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, or Financial Times (UK) pertaining to a topic covered in class (i.e., deferred taxes, pension plans, equity-based compensation, etc.). Write and submit a brief summary of the article (no more than 1 page, single-spaced) which (1) summarizes the article, (2) explains why the issue is interesting and important, and (3) relates the topic to accounting for related transactions. •Academic ResearchSummary:Identify an academic journal article that relates to a topic covered in class appearing in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, or Accounting, Organizations, and Society. Write and submit a brief summary of the article (no more than 1 page, single-spaced)which (1) summarizes the main findings of the research and how these findings were reached (did the researchers run an experiment, hand-collect unique data, or use basic sets of archival data on stock returns, financial statements, etc.), (2) why this result is important, and (3) questions you think remain unanswered. Note that most academic journal articles run 20 to 30 pages. Focusing on introduction of the paper (usually section 1) is acceptable, as it will summarize the question, method, data, results,and implications. Also, avoid articles which are “surveys” of the literature (they summarize prior research).