Calorie Restriction and Aging

Aging refers to the natural progressive process where the structures and functions of the cells starts to deteriorate in other living organisms. These alterations are accompanied by numerous other processes such as genomic instability, alteration of epigenetic, losing proteostasis process as well as the improved sensitivity in nutrients. Other characteristics aging processes in the animal structure include the body cell exertions and alteration of intracellular processes in communication.  One of the methods that have been proposed to slow down the aging process is calorie restriction. This refers o the process of reducing the intake of calorie in the diet without losing the necessary bodynutrients. Calorie restriction has proven to extend lifespan and reduce some of the chronic diseases that are common in many species. Studies have shown that calorie restriction improves the life span of rats, fish, and flies. Even though the mechanism that this process takes place is unclear, it has been proven through numerous extendedperiods works. Calorie restriction alsoreduces the rate of metabolism in the body and also inhibits oxidative stress (HeilbronnandRavussin, 2003). When this takes place, there is an improved sensitivity in insulin and alteration of the neuroendocrine system and the functionality of the nervous system. One of the most commonly cited reasons why calorie restriction may increase the lifestyle in human is the biomedical improvement in research about the need for improvement in lifestyle. However, this is not proven yet.Because the aging process is not a disease, the treatment approaches that can be given to a disease is not appropriate or adequate for aging. Several researchers have shown that using preventive strategies that are health oriented are beneficial in reducing the aging processes in a better way more than the use of disease-oriented treatment strategies for aging.As a process that mainly affects different organs in different ways, aging results in to accumulation of multiple diseases.

As a new field of study, there is limited literature that talks about aging, especially when it comes to the traditional line of medical examination and research (HeilbronnandRavussin, 2003). There is a growing interest in investigating the ideas behind tissues psychology and system homeostasis. The ideas involving the vulnerability of the elderly especially to chronic diseases have led to the demand for research for aging as a potential field for investigation.There are several reasons why calorie restriction have been associated with extended lifespan and a reduction in age-related .calorie restriction reduces oxidative stress that has been associated with the increased aging process. The alteration of nerve system because of calorie restriction is just one of the explanation for increased lifespan. When humans have been subjected to more extended periodsof starvation, there has not been conclusive evidence that shows that they have increased lifespan.

This absence of information also affects the belief from other sources about how effectively restricted calories is to aging. Evidence on calorie restriction and how it reduces aging started from the year 1930 where numerous observations were made in species such as rats fishing flies. Even though the results are not definitive, studies that are currently ongoing about its impact on monkeys and whether they lower the mortality rate in the restricted animals. It has proven to be the case especially when it is compared to the control subjects. Calorie restriction in monkeys has also shown that the restricted animals have lower body temperature and low concentration of insulin. These two factors are their variable biomarkers and are crucial to longevity in rodents as well. However, it is not known to which extent this component contributes to longevity. The difficulties also arise due to the lack of quality research that comes from the restriction difficulties especially when trying to consider the ethical considerations together with methodology requirements.


Heilbronn, L. K., &Ravussin, E. (2003). Calorie restriction and aging: a review of the literature and implications for studies in humans. The American journal of clinical nutrition78(3), 361-369. Retrieved from<>

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