Collaborating with preceptors and other clinic staff

Collaborating with preceptors and other clinic staff

As a learner, collaborating with preceptors and other clinic staff helps to empower trainers with valuable and competent skills suitable in caregiving. The increase in complexity of healthcare environments implies a demand in imperative preceptors to effectively assist new nurses in meeting the realistic expectations as well as maximal preparation suitable for transitioning to the work setting. All this depends on the preceptor-preceptee interaction and other staff. For instance, my interactions with my preceptor and the clinic staff were positive in that I received help at all times in carrying out roles that required assistance. I learned that caring for patients created an effective nurse-patient collaboration that made everything easy. Communication was a top priority amongst us where I was able to share my concerns and ask questions in those areas that I found challenging. All these could be handled immediately by my preceptor, and other staff who ensured my performance improved each day. The most important thing was that the preceptor understood that every individual learns differently. In this case, the preceptor had to incorporate effective styles of learning where patience was a key factor as I was a learner who needed support to acquire new skills suitable for providing care like other professional caregivers. There were resources readily available for me, for instance, the nursing care plans which helped me to map my activities and work within the schedule in caring for the patients.

Positive interactions amongst us provided aplatform where the preceptor communicated the problematic areas noted from my performance. The most common phrase the preceptor used was “it worries me when you do this….” It is evident that such an expression allows for a positive discussion. In the discussion, I could freely give out my explanations and the preceptor having been understanding offered solutions or guidance. Positive interactions between the preceptor, other staff and I became more effective when I was made to realize that all of them had strengths and weaknesses. It implied that in case I spotted a problem in the process of caring for the patients, I was free to consult and give my opinion without fear of prejudice. The preceptor in most cases received support from co-workers in assisting me to carry out responsibilities mostly related to the workload of caring for the patients. The availability of a significant number of patients implied I do my best to help where necessary, and this was made easy through the trust I gained from my supporters, in this case, the preceptor and other staff. Caring and ensuring patient safety is not an easy task to handle. The only way to survive this is through being obedient and submissive to the preceptor and other workers as they had adequate experience in this field. This is what I embraced and as a result, am now able to administer good patient care under minimal or no supervision. I got the chance to incorporate theory I had learned in class into practice where everything was to be given real attention through the internalizing of professional values and roles within supportive and nurturing relationships. The collaboration, in other words, helped me to integrate into the practicing setting within the caregiving organization effectively. As a result of the positive interactions, the learning environment provided tranquility for me to understand weaknesses that I had to work on to fit in the profession.

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