Correlation between vegetarianism and environmentalism

Correlation between vegetarianism and environmentalism

Multiple studies have emerged to support the strong correlation between vegetarianism and environmentalism. These studies have indicated that as much as dairy products provide 37% of the protein and 18 % of the calories humans consume, its negative impacts are significant to be ignored. Meat and dairy use the large part of farmland, 83 % and produces 60% of the green gas emissions in agriculture. Today, more than 86% of the mammals in the land are livestock meant for meat for meat and dairy. The lowest impact of the meat and dairy products has more harm to the environment than what vegetables and cereal growing will cause. Therefore, going vegetarian will help reduce the human impact on the environment by reducing global warming, reduce nitrous oxide production, and save on the massive amounts of water usage.

The best way to reduce global warming is to decrease the level of greenhouse gases which is produced as a result of keeping animals for food. Global warming has been established as the worst threat to the global environment that humans face. So far, major environmental organizations have established that carbon dioxide is the leading cause of global warming. Similarly, methane has been found to cause 50% of the planet’s global warming induced by human activities. Over 100 million tons of methane is produced through animal agriculture. Thus, adopting a vegetarian diet will help address the issue of global warming since raising animals for food generates a lot of greenhouse gases than any other source.

Nitrous oxide is harmful to the environment, and there is a need to reduce its production to have a better planet for living. Cows and sheep are responsible for 65 percent of the total nitrous oxide around the world. Surprisingly, nitrous oxide causes warming 300 times more than how carbon dioxide does it. Most of the livestock industry-related nitrous oxide comes from manure from the animals that are reared for either meat or milk. Thus, reduction in the production of nitrous oxide should be given a priority, and this can be achieved through going vegetarian where meat and dairy will be avoided.

Turning into a vegetarian is a significant move towards saving on the massive amounts of water that is used in the livestock industry. It is alarming that the quantities of water required to produce one kilo of beef run up to 100,000 liters. The amount does not go below 13,000 liters even if minimization mechanisms are put in place. When compared to producing one kilo of wheat, the only amount of water needed is 2,000 liters maximum. Thus, it is evident that producing one kilo of wheat uses a minimal amount of water than it is to produce one kilo of beef. Hence, the best solution is to go vegetarian if there is need to save water sources.

Thus, in conclusion, reduced global warming, decreased level of nitrous oxide that causes planet overheating, and saving water sources can best be achieved by going vegetarian. By going vegetarian, there will be less dependence on the meat and dairy from livestock as the major foods. Human activities within the livestock industry have been found the leading causes of environmental degradation. Raising animals increases the level of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide that body cause global warming. The amount of water used in producing animals related products such as beef is more than what is used in cereal production. Thus, the best way to have the environment conserved is by doing away with meat and dairy from animals.


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