Developmental psychology

Developmental psychology

Type of research Personality Traits
Primary person All human beings


Developmental psychology is the scientific field that focuses on the study of the changes that happen in human beings over time. It comprises of children, infants, adolescents, adults development and even the ageing. The development psychologists aim to explain the thinking, feeling and the changes in behaviour of human being.  Recently, there has been research on the personality traits of human beings. These include forgiveness, compassion and other negative emotions such as sadness, guilt and anger. Such exploration is within the brackets of the developmental psychological since the goal is to determine why people have a swing of emotions from positive to negative ones. The research revealed that either of the feelings is the appreciation of the full spectrum of the human personality as well as the best navigation of the complex and the uncertain world that unfolds each day.

The goal and conclusion of the research are worth taking note. Both negative and positive emotions play an essential role in human life. Generally, most of the people tend to eliminate negative feelings and stick with positive emotions only. However, it is imperative to strike a balance between negative and positive emotions. The research is viable and the conclusion that both positive and negative emotions help appreciate the complexity of human life.

Some of the other previous research claimed that negative emotions are the limitation to human health. However, this research gave a different claim that each of the emotion has its specific role and the balance of the positive and negative emotions is what matters most. There is a lot that needs to be researched in developmental psychology especially in life-span development. The explosion of the internet and new technologies affect human life. It is important to keep track of how human beings are affected by such dynamics.