Diet Analysis 3 Days

  1. Calculated daily caloric intake obtained from the link

Your Suggested Fitness and Nutrition Goals

Congratulations! Your personalized diet and fitness profile is now complete. Based on your answers, here are your suggested nutrition and fitness goals.

Nutritional Goals Target
Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,500 Calories / Day
Carbs / Day 188.0 g
Fat / Day 50.0 g
Protein / Day 75.0 g

*Net calories consumed = total calories consumed – exercise calories burned. So the more you exercise, the more you can eat!

Fitness Goals Target
Calories Burned / Week 1,380 Calories / Week
Workouts / Week 3 workouts
Minutes / Workout 60 minutes

If you follow this plan,

Your projected weight loss is 1 kg/week

You should lose 5 kg by May 19


  1. Food intake for three days


April 11, 2019

Foods  Calories           Carbs   Fat       Protein Cholest            Sodium            Sugars Fiber


Clover Valley – Cornflakes Cereal, 1 cup 32g           130      28g–g  2g–mg 270mg 3g  –g


Pizza Hut – Pizza, 1 slice        300      35g      12g      13g      35mg   0mg     1g        1g


Homemade – Pork Chops and White Rice, 1 oz pork chop, broiled. Cup white rice, steamed.         275      53g            0g        0g        22mg   19mg   0g        1g


Yoplait – Yogurt, 6 oz 90        16g      0g        5g        5mg     80mg   10g      0g

TOTAL:          795      132g    12g      20g      62mg   369mg 14g      2g

April 12, 2019

Foods  Calories           Carbs   Fat       Protein Cholest            Sodium            Sugars Fiber


Bread, oatmeal, 1 oz   76        14g      1g        2g        0mg     127mg 2g        1g


Chipotle – Chicken Bowl, 1 cup         465      33g      19g      42g      0mg     0mg     1g        1g


Cambell’s Homestyle – Chicken Noodle Soup, 1 cup 90        10g      2g        6g        15mg   890mg 0g        0g

TOTAL:          631      57g      22g      50g      15mg   1,017mg          3g        2g

April 13, 2019

Foods  Calories           Carbs   Fat       Protein Cholest            Sodium            Sugars Fiber


Dunkin Donuts – Belgian Waffle with Egg and Bacon, 2 cups cooked         540      38g      27g      16g            190mg 800mg 14g      1g


Pizza Hut – Pizza, 1 slice        300      35g      12g      13g      35mg   0mg     1g        1g


Hessys – Chilli hot dogs, 100 g           240      1g        20g      14g      0mg     2mg     1g        0g

Hessys – Chilli hot dogs, 100 g           240      1g        20g      14g      0mg     2mg     1g        0g

TOTAL:          1,320   75g      79g      57g      225mg 804mg 17g      2g

  1. Analysis of the nutritional value

With regards to the amount of nutrients that a person has to intake on a daily basis, there are two categories. The macronutrient that are consumed in large amounts and the micronutrient that are consumed in small amounts.  From the results of the food intake for three days, the macronutrients include foods that contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins and the micronutrients include foods that contain vitamins, minerals and fibre. Notably, food that contains a large amount of macronutrients includes clover valley, pizza, white rice, pork chop, bread, chicken bowl, and Dunkin Donuts. The foods that contain micronutrient   chilli hotdogs, oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, bacon and chicken noodle soup.

  1. Addressing nutritional deficiencies

Based on the analysis of the nutritional value of my food intake, it evident that I have nutritional deficiencies. Indeed, the body requires different vitamins and minerals for body development and to boost the immune system. This type of vitamins and minerals are known as micronutrients. The nutritional deficiencies that lack from my food intake are iron, Thiamine, iodine, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin A. To address these deficiencies, I need to include fish, cod liver oil, oysters, organ meat, kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, asparagus, and fortified grain products. The type of fats that I also intake is saturated fats contained in animal products which can cause heart and vessel problems. To change this, I need to intake unsaturated fats from oil seed such as sunflower and maize oil.

  1. Health consequences of a poor diet

Even though micronutrients are needed in small amounts, they play vital roles in human development such as regulation of metabolism, cellular PH, heartbeat and bone density. If I were to continue with my diet with increasing the amount of micronutrients, I would be predisposed to various diseases such as rickets (lack of vitamin D), osteoporosis (lack of calcium), heart disease (saturated fats) and scurvy (lack of Vitamin C). The lack of both macro and micronutrients can lead to muscle weakness, shortness of breath and nausea.

  1. Summary of key points

Based on the information added on the myfitnesspal website, the calculated daily caloric intake is 1500 calories/day. Carbs/day is 188.0 g, Fat/day is 50.0 g, Protein/day is 75.0 g. The calories that I intend to burn/week is 1,380.  I will have 3 workout session/ week, and I will spend 60 minutes/work out.  My food intake for three days is composed of foods that contain a large amount of macronutrients and a limited amount of micronutrients.  With reference to the RDA, the type of foods that contain a large amount of macronutrients include clover valley, pizza, white rice, pork chop, and bread. Those that contain a limited amount of micronutrients are chili hotdogs, oatmeal, eggs, and yogurt. I need to improve on the nutritional deficiency in my current diet as it lacks iron, Thiamine, iodine, unsaturated fats, and calcium. To deal with this nutritional deficiency, I need to include, cod liver oil, oysters, organ meat, kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, and asparagus. If I do not change this in my current diet, I will probably suffer from rickets (lack of vitamin D), osteoporosis (lack of calcium), heart disease (saturated fats) and scurvy (lack of Vitamin C).