Economies and cultural anthropology

Economies and cultural anthropology

Economic anthropology is the study of how different economic concepts came to existence n based on the past economic issues that have presented in the previous world auto the development of the current world. On the other hand, cultural anthropology deals with the way b various cultures have evolved based on the cultural interaction from different perspectives of society. Culture and t economy are interlinked, and they tend to complement each other for a whole community. The study of social development and culture has a strong link with the economic behavior of man based on cultural and geographical changes in their lives.

There is a strong interlink between the articles selected. Article by Purzycki et al., 2018 speaks on the interlink between the life history, material security concept and the religion across culture. It emphasizes the way culture changes shape the economic growth and the general advancement to society.The article by Ross, Schmidt, and Koskinen 2017 elaborate on the quality and quantities relationship of man based on the various societal dynamics and changes based on cultural interaction. The inter-link, in this case, comes from the concept of evaluation of how cultural differences affect economic activities of the individual over the history of human being. It is based on an analysis that focuses on both anthropology and the generation of economic ideas in the society of man.

Question part

Purzycki et al., 2018 bases his research on evaluating how the harsh environment condition changed the belief of man on moralistic religion as a way of solving a human problem and the development of the desire for material possession to survive on hash living conditions at that particular time. It investigates the guiding principles towards the movement of the culture of moralistic religion to the culture of the struggle for materialposition. The anthropologist is not satisfied with the explanations that others have given the reason for the prosperity of man during the axial ages.It is for this reason that he is determined to establish the main factor that led to the emergence of an economic man during the axial epochs.

Ross, Schmidt, and Koskinen 2017, on the other hand, are concerned with the approaches towards the development of the study of economics. It is based on a double point of view that man was motivated to satisfy their human need in terms of the quality of their life and the quantity of the material positions they could gather. The article, therefore, answered the question of the quantitative status of life as the primary driver of the cultural changes to the world o in the past human history.It is based on the investigation of the inter-links between the material positions and the status in the society as influencing factors towards the movement to modern world economics.

Concepts and insights

The two articlesreveal several essential aspects of the culture of human based on their drive for economic changes over the pastcenturies. One of them is the position of material well-offon the influence on decision making and the control of society. An analysis of the cross-cultural ideology on the material status reveals that individuals of high importance in the community. In many cultures, their ass a common trend of religion as the way of meeting the human need and thepower tocontrol the activities of the rest. However, the changing lack of human drove them to focus on the real position to secure their future and have both political status and demand respect to society.Anindividual,material security as linked to the belief in the axial world and the ability to influence the culture of the community. He became the leaders andensured there is adequacy in the social structure of the society.

On the concept of the agreement on the driving factor towards the development of man as an economy being, the status in life depended on the real position. This made man to have a desire to grow their wealth in different cultures and embrace a living system that supportsthe cultural orientation toward material progress and economic growth of the various societies.The concept of wealth and the growth of nation have been linked to thebeliefthat through wealth there is an ability to change a culture and influencethe political systems.

It, therefore, accepts for the cultural changes in Europe which were previously occupied y religious beliefs and the inability to explore need on the restriction of religion. With the increasing nature and the demand for man. There was a general inthe concept of wealth. In this case, societies emerged, and the struggle for power and expansion with limited culture restriction emerged. Therefore the relationship between the ways of lifeof the previous organizations became under full control of the desire to have real positionsthat couldchange the status of the world.  Itled o emergence of mighty kingdoms and nation. It continued to play a significant role in the influence nation and individuals hasover culture.

The concept of culture based on social beliefs and the idea of economic and political possession is based on the notion of a community in the wealth.  It is stated that a society which supports communism have theculture of not being eager to accumulate much wealth as compared to the religion which has a strong affiliation to individual position it is for this reason that communities have different level o0f community growth in terms of economics. Culture and tradition play a critical role especially in ensuring that there Isa uniform way of providing a whole society which emphasizes wealth. Theresearchfindings of both the articles are therefore based on the concept of culture as the primary influencer of the real position of the current society. A further explanation of the influence of the cultural changes and ability of the community to come up with a collective responsibility to change the economic setting of the population is that it is a way of ensuring thatthere is a harmony in the social need and the embracement of the modern changes that safeguardthe economy and culture.


Based on the two analyses of the articles, there is a keen insight into the two concepts of anthropology. The idea of the emergence of an economic society back from a religious community is based on two major approaches.One of them is the fact that religion wasa hindrance to the expansion of the city. The second concept was that the material position and the development of a materialisticculture led to the general advancement of the human world, .these, therefore, become the leading factors in the determination of the relationship between the two fields of anthropologies. Theauthors cover the desire to increase the quality of human life based on the concept of comfort and the adoption of culture that supported the material possession as opposed to the obsession with religion as the way of experience in the human being and its culture.

Thearticle on the culture based on the moralistic religion thatprevents peoplefrom accumulating wealth is linked to the concept of economic backward in most societies which embraces that. An analysis of the idea of economy and the likeliness to grow in modern society is theprevailing culture that embraces material position as a way of influencing the decisions of the community. The articles are therefore based on an analytic approach on the relationship between the driving factor for culture and the level of development. Insocietieswith religioncatered culture, there islittle wealth that individualspossess. On the other hand, cultures that are linked to material possession, the sower and progress become the growth in all the aspects of their lives.



There a stronglink between cultural and economic anthropology. This is based on the fact that the two articles, though take different approaches, have the same concept on the effect of culture and the anthropology of the growth of an economy. Society is explained from the idea of their cultural beliefs, especially in terms of what they believe is right and moral andthe other aspect of the importance of their economic activities. The changing process of the way most societies conduct themselves Eis based on the change of culture and the general willingness to embrace a  change that batterstheir way of life. For this reason, the link in the economic capability and the concept of material growth and progress in a society CI have been explained by the increasing changes in the community. Moreover, the abilityof an organization to grow depends on the nature of their economic activities in the broader spectrum of position and wellness.

The relationship in the two articles is based on the concept that one is focused on the cultural changes that led to the shift from religious belief as the central part that controls the relationship in many the material shift position during the axial age. It is based on the concept of the demand of man in the changing society and the creation of security and power to secure control of the human Society and future. On the other hand, the second article is based on an analysis and understanding of the specific cultural change that does nan toe toward embracing wealth and quantitative accumulation of material. They are interlinked and are for the point of understanding the dynamic human sociability is controlled by the demand of the society. The two article is, therefore, the real reflection on n the intr relations between the branches of anthropology and the way each concept has evolved from the other.

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