Education Assignment

Education Assignment

Education Literature and Key Factors to Motivation

Education literature motivates learners to keep acquiring and sharing their knowledge (Ross, Perkins & Bodey, 2016). Besides, education literature enables learners to brainstorm their ideas regarding a specific communicated aspect of education and to seek to find an improvement of the element in real life. Education literature is essential since it offers a chance for adult learners to share their knowledge.

A Balance Between Self-Motivation and External Motivation

Motivation is usually an aspect that is developed while focusing on receiving a reward for doing a particular task (Rose et al., 2016). Therefore, there should be a balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation since educational goals are sometimes difficult to attain. In that perspective, adult learners need to be motivated even though intrinsic motivation is usually a personal desire. It is possible for a student to have a strong desire to achieve, but without external motivation, the desire to succeed can die. In adult education, the desire to please others is usually low (Rose et al., 2016). Therefore, a balance between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation should be enhanced in adult education since they often consider pursuing their desire to meet expectations set by themselves. A proper plan to achieve personal interests and passion for growth should also be promoted by an external motivation that can be given by society.

Literature Concept on Internal and External Motivation in Learning With online learning

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can involve an aspect of a student to achieve their life goals in conjunction with the promptness of the method of study like using electronic gadgets 2 promote the learning approach. In that manner, online learning is just an external motivation for online students apart from the intrinsic motivation that usually aligns with a goal to achieve a mainly driven motive.

Importance of Cognitive Load Theory

Cognitive load theory reflects the effort to be employed to boost the working memory. It is essential since learners need to be able to realize their potential through external motivation to achieve better results.

Part 2

The principle of Self-Regulation in Instructions

I will incorporate the principle of self-regulation in the perspective of promoting the learner’s mind on the aspect of developing a goal-oriented approach to start a business by using the industry planning concepts to be learned (Rose et al., 2016). As an instructor, i will try to control impulses when solving problems constructively in conjunction with leading a goal-directed action on behavior management.

Relating Self-Efficacy to Self-Regulation and Self-Motivation in High School Educational Background

I will relate the theory of self-efficacy to self-regulation by adopting the fact that self-regulation is a foundation to serve a lifelong functioning concerning mental health, emotional well-being, socioeconomic success, and academic achievement (Skaalvik &Skaalvik, 2016). Therefore, my education plan will involve responding to issues in the society that involve intervention into health, success in economic activities, academic achievement, and mental health. The aspect will be considered to be a target for positive change in society.



Self-Efficacy and Self-Perception in Mixed Class

I will ask the learners to share their ideas concerning their field of study, life goals, and the current issues to be solved in the world concerning the knowledge acquired in the learning process. And that perspective, self-efficacy will be promoted regarding self-regulation on the aspect of students’ quest for education.

Obstacles with Eighth Graders

Eighth graders usually consider education to be a plan to improve their life by helping them to learn aspects that will promote their ability to perform a specific task in the are most preferred employment sector. The obstacle to worry about will be convincing the learners that an association between learners pursuing different courses can improve and motivate learners to achieve better results.





Ross, M., Perkins, H., &Bodey, K. (2016). Academic motivation and information literacy self-efficacy: The importance of a simple desire to know. Library & information science research, 38(1), 2-9.

Skaalvik, E. M., &Skaalvik, S. (2016). Teacher stress and teacher self-efficacy as predictors of engagement, emotional exhaustion, and motivation to leave the teaching profession. Creative Education, 7(13), 1785-1799.