Emergency Management

Emergency Management


Emergency management is an important exercise that ensures that the world population does not live in fear of the unknown. It is a process that entails having measures and plans that help a community reduce vulnerability to hazards and other emergencies. It is imperative to the point that emergency management does not eliminate or avert the threats but rather is focused on minimizing the adversaries resulting from such emergencies. Emergency preparedness is critical as failure to do so can lead to severe loss of lives, revenues and damage to property. It is for this reason that every community and government agencies are striving to ensure they are proactive in emergency response and decrease effects of a potential disaster.  This paper will focus on an article from the New York Times to help us understand this concept of emergency management.

Overview of the article

‘’NASA and FEMA Rehearse for the Unthinkable: An Asteroid Strike on Los Angeles’’ is the title of an article published in the New York Times. Although the article seems to be more on scientific discoveries, there are important aspects of emergency management involved. The article is concerned with a possibility of an asteroid hurtling towards Los Angeles. Although such a thing has never happened in the past, the scientists are concerned that there is a high likelihood of such an event and could have a devastating effect on the community (Mele).  It is for this reason that NASA and Federal Emergency Management Agency in conjunction with other government agencies seems to be proactive in ensuring that such an occurrence would have manageable effects.

From the article, the blast is speculated to occur by the year 2020 and could level structures across 30miles and lead to thousands of casualties. Although there are varied opinions on when the world will expect such a blast, the article emphasizes the need of being proactive rather than being sorry. Asteroids are there and can have a devastating effect on the world population if it strikes unexpected (Mele).  The article provides the views of engineers on how best the world can deal with an asteroid explosion. For example, building a large spacecraft and ramming it into the asteroids before it hits the earth is one option of getting prepared.  It is prudent to note that the earth is not only prone to asteroids but also to many more space rocks. Research has also indicated that such strikes could occur as every decade or two and thus make it imperative to enhance preventive measures.

Learning objectives

As aforementioned, the article has essential information regarding emergency management.  For instance, the article emphasizes the need of being prepared even of the least imaginable disaster. The article cites that the occurrence of an asteroid striking the earth can happen in real life and should not always be seen as a Hollywood creation. The use of Armageddon as an example of fictional disaster gives an explanation of what has expected if such a strike meets the world by surprise.  Another important aspect that we derive from the article is the fact that emergencies are difficult to estimate their timing.   For example, there is do distinct time frame when the world expects the explosion. Nevertheless, the article emphasizes the importance of being prepared all the time as no one knows when the asteroids will strike. Also, the article stresses the importance of engaging all the stakeholders in the emergency management practice. Scientists, engineers, NASA, FEMA and other government agencies are all involved in emergency management. In essence, emergency management is a critical exercise that should be embraced to reduce impacts of all the unforeseen events.

Work Cited

Mele, Christopher. “NASA And FEMA Rehearse For The Unthinkable: An Asteroid Strike On Los Angeles”. Nytimes.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.


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