Engineering Ethics

According to the National Society of Professional Engineers’ code of ethics, the concurrence of engineer A with the chairman of the local city council to ‘grandfather’ some specified buildings under construction within the older existing enforcement requirements and not the newer, more rigid requirements was not ethical (NSPE). First of all, the concurrence meant that the engineer violated the fundamental canons of the engineers’ code of conduct, which include holding paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public, which the newer, more rigid requirements were introduced to take care of (Fleddermann 101). The engineer was also involved in deceptive acts that violate the ethics of the profession by agreeing to use older existing enforcements for only specified buildings,meaning he lied to his clients and did not act honestly. Such an act aided the unlawful practice of engineering rendering him unfaithful to his clients.

Consistent with the fourth rule of practice, engineer A accepted valuable consideration directly from the chairman who was an outside agent in connection with the buildings under construction. As such, he was responsible for events, which interfered with the safety of the public that the newer, more rigid requirements were going to take care of (Fleddermann, 126).

In as much engineer A’s concerns about hiring more code officials of the building department were significant and genuine, he maliciously and directly injured the professional reputation, prospect, and practice. Such an act violated his professional obligations as an engineer, and this was evident when he agreed to concur with the chairman’s proposal whose interest was to enlarge the tax base in the city (NSPE). In short, the fact that the engineer associated with a non-engineer to perform unethical acts, his interests cannot be protected under the national society of professional engineers code of ethics.

Work Cited

Fleddermann, Charles B. Engineering Ethics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2012. Print.

NSPE. “Code of Ethics | National Society of Professional Engineers.” National Society of Professional Engineers |, NSPE, 2019, Accessed 19 Jan. 2019.

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