Evaluating HR Policy for Alignment


Human resource is the key for any organization to achieve its success and meet its goals. HR policies and practices must be integrated into overall organization strategy (Khilji & Wang 2006, p. 1180). To achieve these plans, HR resources need to be aligned with the business. The principal objective of Human Resource strategies is to increase worker efficiency as well as recognizing relevant Human Resource platforms where policies would be applied to improve overall employee motivation along with productivity (Sparrow 2012, p.2406). The chosen organization for analysis is Poisonville Company. The company deals with agricultural products. The HR policies that will be discussed in this paper include policies on human resource planning, training, and talent development as well as selection and hiring.


Human Resources strategies and plans have to be aligned vertically to the organization’s policy over a human resource strategy. According to Guest and Woodrow (2012, p. 111), human Resource strategies have to be aligned horizontally to give a transparent platform for individual organization to grow. Therefore, various Human Resource actions regularly enable to attain the similar goals as well as outcomes. An efficient technique for recognizing procedures offers ways to guarantee perpendicular and parallel alignment of Human Resource actions to back up the organization’s policy and strengthen each other (Whittaker & Marchington 2003, p. 247).

Poisonville Company’s actions plans must align with the human resource manager strategic business objectives so that it can have a competitive advantage over other firms. The success comes as a result of the company’s skills, commitment, and well-motivated workforce. This is only effective when every HR function is strategically aligned.

Human Resource Planning Practice

Human resource planning is the process of evaluating, as well as knowing the requirements for and accessibility of human resource to the company to achieve the goals and record success. The importance Human resource practice is to minimize the substantial lead time concerning the identification of work condition and to assign a competent individual to feel that gap (Guest & Woodrow 2012, p. 112). Thus, HR has the mandate to understand the job market and how it will match to employing requirements. Poisonville Company has achieved its objectives for many years because of recruiting talented workers. The process of a company employing qualified workers creates a doorway for letting in new employees and selecting individuals who appropriately match the organization culture and requirement (Guest & Woodrow 2012, p. 111).

In the course of contracting a new employee, the HR department selects an individual who is versatile and fit the job criteria. Consequently, today human resource practice is observed as a considered functioning procedure. The attention has changed from outdated employment and recruitment to projections and progress preparation which can handle varying eventualities that later influence the growth of company operations (Purcell & Hutchinson 2007, p. 5). Proper human resource planning maintains workers apprised of their career opportunities as a result of reducing turnover rate.

The prosperity of an enterprise depends on how meticulously the human resource can incorporate effective human resource practice within the company’s planning process. Strategic human resource allocation involves working closely with managers and human resource department (Purcell & Hutchinson 2007, p. 4). Progression arrangement plays a vital function in strategic alignment of human resource practice. However, with progressive preparation, organizations recruit talented workers, develop their knowledge, and prepare them for advancement into technical duties.

Human Resource Strategic Recruitment and Selection Practices

The principle aim of recruiting and selection procedure is to identify and establish the right pool of skilled staffs. Currently, the organization is focusing on a person- job fit. This means that the business is selecting applicants against company characteristics instead of specific job criteria (Jiang, Lepak, Han, Hong, Kim & Winkler 2012, p. 74). In today’s organization, choosing the best pool of candidates is indeed a necessity towards the growth of an effective strategic human resource management system.

The process of recruiting and selecting best applicants is mainly focused on matching employees with long-term business goals so that the strategic demands of the company can be interpreted as an effective staffing and selection requirement. This indicates that the alignment of participant ambition and the organizational goal has become mandatory (Whittaker & Marchington 2003, p. 257). But, not every single career situations within the organization are planned as well not crucial on the company action.  The projected staffing is coined merely on core career cases in business. Thus, aimed at employing participants in particular career situations required towards hastened progress of the business.

Human Resource Training and Development Policy

According to Guest and Woodrow (2012, p. 113) companies are realizing the need to employ the best training and development techniques to promote their competitive gain. They argue that education and development is a paramount factor for any business to achieve its objectives. The potential and value of employees are harnessed and grown when they are properly trained. Guest and Woodrow (2012, p. 113) stress on the prime aim of training and development by postulating that, obtaining knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform certain duties is enhanced when proper training and development is given to employees.

Primary organization problems need that company considerately scale the economic situation then control the ability, talents, and understanding to be fruitful. By embracing a planned process to training and development instead of unintended and ad hoc one, the organization can turn into being more measurable, direct and operational (Khilji & Wang 2006, p. 1174). The process of education and advancement is employees centered whereby it identifies, design and offer training programs to workers to make them capable of delivering by organization line of strategy. Moreover, the assessment of the output to check the efficiency of training memoranda founded on preparation to decide whether the training was essential to its influence on the organization strategy.

Poisonville Company has been considered a pioneer in the high commitment working system. They work to fulfill and establish an environment where employees can meet their natural desires to do good as well-being innovate. To complement the business strategy, Poisonville Company has developed an effective HR strategy, which focused on extended term employment, reducing layoff, turnover and providing above market compensations as well as offering flexibility to employees concerning job life equilibrium. One of the outstanding features of HR practices is that it mainly concentrates on internal promotion thus giving intensive training to employees (Khilji & Wang 2006, p. 1174). This gave workers an inspiration and felt they are part of the organization which makes them work extra harder for the IBM.

The strategies of this company are very consistent and appropriately aligned with each other. This particular practice fits their business strategy of planning, producing, and then designing high-quality products. This only plays a competitive gain indicating that despite competition, Poisonville Company has managed to maintain its skilled workers making an edge against their competitors. Therefore cautious alignment of Human Resource policies with company goals cultivates success both concerning workers fulfillment leading off better output. Overall benefits include increasing profitability thus enabling the organization to accomplish its objective.


The human resource must consider policy vision. Human resource policies cannot be implemented in a vacuum (Jiang et al. p. 75). They must be aligned with the organizational objectives and vision so as to be effective. As witnessed from Poisonville Company, the human resource policies aligned with employee’s vision that made them integral part of the company. Clearly stated vision gives the company direction and proper utilization of people’s resources.

I recommend the human resource to consider demographics. The human resource must evaluate the demographics of the workforce to understand where the loopholes concerning existing abilities as well as the necessity for talents (Jiang et al. 2012, p. 76). The future challenge that would arise like technology innovation and experiences of the employees must be aligned with business policy and vision.

Lastly, the Human resource must transfer knowledge. Making sure there is the transmission of awareness amongst sectors. Employees – whether they are leaving willingly or unwillingly, or as result of retirement – are essential for the company. They guarantee stability and minimum effects on output productions as well as efficiency.


Establishing effective human resource strategies plus policies as well as a suitable process for determining plus supervising them is important if companies are to comprehend and improve the influence of the employees. Proper measurement will enable the HR to realize which policy is most or least important in bringing outcomes for the organization. Considering the associations of the above-discussed policies, employee’s involvement, competence, behavior plus company outcomes, a suitable human resource management and measurement techniques should try capture all these varying factors. Strategies should follow the relations and underlying association concerning these factors to assist them to monitor successfully.



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