Evidence-based practice


Evidence-based practice is systematic research that we carry out to come up with the best possible solution to a particular problem in nursing. Its primary responsibility is to help health-care providers to come up with quality health-care techniques for their patients concerning the findings in their research. The primary goal of nursing is an evidence-basedpractice that promotes quality, cost-effective solutions for the patients, health-care providers and the health-care delivery system (Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. 2010). Evidence-based practice involves various systematic steps which help bring out the proper evidence in a particular problem. In this paper, I am going to discuss how to improve patient-nurse interaction and relationship following the evidence-based practice steps.

Evidence-based Practice Steps


It involves identifying and understanding the aspectsof the research and also trying to figure out the relationship that exists between them (Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K., 2008). Here, a clinical officer identifies how the situation is like currently in the nursing sector both locally and internationally. He also collects information on how various patients and health-care providers feel about the issue, and this will help in obtaining new information about the problem.


It involves clarifying more on the aspects of the research which includes providing information on why this problem happens. The clinical expert also explains the relationship between the data collected in the study and the problem itself.


It involves trying to estimate the probability of the problem in question to happen in a nursing environment and the impacts it could have (Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K., 2008).  It will also involve investigating various populations and environments to have a pool of information to predict.


After predicting the impacts that the aspects of research could have to the nursing environment, the clinical expert willtry to fix the problem to come up with the desired solution.

How to improve patient-nurse interaction through EBP steps

Evidence-based practice has helped to come up with reliable methods in nursing. With the proper research, patients can enjoy effective health-care services at a friendly cost. However, being able to come up with a completely reliable solution to a problem in the nursing field is not entirely natural because it all comes back to the clinical expertise that an individual possesses. Health-care providers all over the world have over the years put a lot of effort in focusing on how to better the services provided to patients as well as how to increase the benefits of these services to the health-care providers and the health-care system. People seem to forget that the relationship between the patients and the clinical experts is also significant in regards to the welfare of the patients because it is the most basic method of providing health-care services.

When patients are at the hospital, they interact with the various individuals including the nurses. A medical practitioner who attends to a particular patient is not fix, and this calls for a lot of open communication in the hospital setup. When the information flow is not accurate, this means that the health of the patient is at risk. The risk might be due to misinterpretation of information by the clinical expert or the patient. The occurrence of medical errors could be very critical on the patients and could even lead to unexpected death.

Traditional medical studies emphasized on accurate and perfect medical services which include diagnosis and administering of treatment. Proper communication and circulation of information can significantly improve the accuracy in health-care services (M, O’Daniel & A. H, Rosenstein., 2008).

Below is the process that I considered to use to improve the relationship between patients and health-care providers by use of evidence-based practice steps as discussed above.


In this phase, I will identify how exactly the communication and interaction between the patients and nurses become a problem. The first reason is the difference in perception of the goals of patient care by medical practitioners. Different individuals have different ideas as to why they perform a particular task, and this varies from place to place maybe because of the culture and traditions in a specific community. Some cultures find it odd to criticize other people’s opinions openly, and this could lead to reliance on false information in a health-care facility.

Also, false interpretation of information may be due to cultural differences because verbal and non-verbal communication varies from culture to culture. The feeling of inferiority could as well interfere with the open interaction between a patient and a nurse because sometimes one might feel like they do not have enough education qualification to give their opinion about a situation even when they are confident that they are right.


The reason as to why the problem of ineffective communication between the patients and nurses is occurring is because of the lack of reliable information passing. It will happen when there is an incorrect diagnosis, administering of wrong treatment or improper interpretation of the patient’s status and improvement.

An incorrect diagnosis can vary in occurrence across various health institutions. When a patient and nurse are not comfortable with each other, medical errors of this kind are inevitable. As much as nurses are considered a professional, at the end of the day, they are human beings, and they have situations that they are not comfortable. Some people are not good at attending to people of the opposite gender, different cultures or even different religions. When the relationship is not flowing in the health-care process, then the parties are not relaxed, and this can easily lead to errors in the process. Also, when the patients are not comfortable with the situation, they could overlook significant symptoms hence more faults. Errors will probably lead to wrong treatment which is very dangerous to the health of a patient and could even lead to death.

Administering the wrong treatment can be caused by incorrect diagnosis as discussed above. It can as well be as a result of a misunderstanding between the medical practitioners attending to the patient. Wrong treatment is dangerous because the patient may be using strong prescription drugs for a weaker disease which will decrease the strength of the immune system. Also, the drugs and treatment administered might not be affecting the illness in any way, and this will make the patient’s health even worse.

Improper interpretation of the patient’s status is as a result of the medical practitioner not paying close attention to the slightest symptoms. If the patient and the nurse are not interacting openly, acquiring the small details of the patient’s improvement will be a challenging task. The treatment process will be in danger as well as the health and life of the patient too.


The likelihood of weak interaction to occur between patients and nurses varies from place to place. Some nations have embraced the art of cultural diversity while others still stick to their traditions and norms. Health-care institutions which are in areas with less cultural diversity will have more cases of weak interactions between medical practitioners and the patients.

Also, in nations where the political grounds are shaky and the working environment is wanting; the employees will not be comfortable in their working places. Especially for the medical practitioners who are depended on by the most significant population; they will not be effective in their jobs, and this will significantly affect their relationship with the patients.


The first-way curb this problem is by creating awareness in working places especially the medical institutions on the importance of accepting cultural diversity in their environment. It will not only improve their service provision strategies, but also it will help them learn more about the new culture and ways of life of other people because nobody knows where their career journey could land them.

Also, the governments and the health sector stakeholders in various nations worldwide should put in place measures that ensure a proper working environment for their civil workers bearing in mind that they are the individuals who are highly depended on by the largest population in the world.

Lastly, medical institutions worldwide should come up with forums that enable medical practitioners to work together. Attending regular community research will improve their expertise since the more tasks they accomplish, the more professional they become. Working together will also help them have a pool of resources to choose from which includes research materials and equipment, and this will help them come up with more diverse ideas on how to tackle various problems in the medical field.

In conclusion, it is true that there is no permanent solution to a particular problem because problems change from time to time. However, more research is carried out, the more the expertise we gain and the more prepared and flexible we are for the changing world.




Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. (2010). Understanding Nursing Research-eBook: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated theory &knowledge development in nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

M, O’Daniel & A. H, Rosenstein. (2008). Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses

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