Field of pharmacy

Success in pharmacy requires excellent communication skills. This will help me as a pharmacist to be able with other professionals and other doctors. It, therefore, enhances performance and superior service delivery to the patients. It also helps in addressing other people from different cultures despite the language barrier. Consequently, I will be able to work in any environment as much as the field of medicine is concerned without any difficulties. Leadership skills will also help me to address some issues concerning pharmacy. They will enable me to make decisions, supervise, control and assign duties to the assistants working below me. This also helps in monitoring their performance and therefore able to make decisions. Leadership skills also will enable me to be able to solve the problems arising and handle the case of any difficult situation. Counseling skills will give me an opportunity to advise the patients how the prescribed medicine should work and taken. Also, there are cases where some guiding consists of giving hopes to the depressed patients who need professional doctor advice.  This will help to increase the performance as I will be able to deal with both situations that require treatment and counseling if need be

The University of New England provides a comprehensive knowledge of patient-focused and team-based care and the required skills in the field of pharmacy. It combines experiential learning on both the pharmaceutical and clinical sciences in preparing students for their career. The knowledge learned in class is also applied outside through the research, where the students have the opportunity to work with the professors. Therefore the University of New England prepares you for a variety of pharmacy occupations as well as career growth.


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