Gone Baby Gone Movie Analysis

Kant’s moral philosophy for gone baby has gone movie judging Patrick’s final decision

Philosophically, Immanuel Kant believes that we can only do the right thing for the right reason. The concept of duty contains that of a good will, though under certain subjective limitations. The above means that the action is motivated by the individual’s desire to do on the ground of his duty.

Additionally, he also thinks that acting out of duty is not the same as merely working of one’s duty; this is because individual acts are based on his or her mission, and the commitment guides individual to do right things for a right reason. However, Kant believes that merely acting of duty is not sufficient because it can lead the individual to do the right thing for the wrong reason. Working from responsibility is the only justification. Kant’s moral philosophy is based on the idea of moral law and duty is an action that is necessary to respect for the moral law. This law is rational, absolute and universal.

Regardless, the moral law is independent of individual desires. Kant believes that the moral code is the only most deserving law for us to respect, and the righteous action must be the result of the moral law. Moreover, since moral law is independent of our desires and never change about space and time, it consists of what he calls “categorical imperatives.”Kant would think that Patrick’s action in Gone Baby Gone is based on moral law. It leads to say his action is morally correct because Patrick follows the rule that “he ought to report Jack. If we formulate Kantian’s version of moral law, it will be” do not always do a certain act,” or “you ought to do a certain act.”  It tells us what we have to do to respect the moral law and irrespective to our desires. If we act to follow , then our action is morally right because the work is based on categorical imperatives.

However, if the action is based on “I do x because I want to” or” if I want x, then I do y,” then Kant believes that the action is morally wrong because the action is dependent upon our desires. This action cannot consist of categorical imperatives.Under these circumstances, Kant would think that Patrick’s action in Gone Baby Gone is based on the moral law. This leads to say his action is morally correct because Patrick follows the rule that “he ought to report Jack.” Perhaps, Kantian moral philosophy is good for teaching younger kids the basic moral rule such as “do not lie” or “do not steal.” However, I think that it cannot be controversial to say that doing the right thing for the right reason is always correct. If individuals have to follow the categorical imperative and only doing the right thing for a right reason, many actions, such as lying to save someone’s life, self-defense from rape, or even homosexuality, becomes morally impermissible or wrong.While Kant holds that there is only one duty that we have to follow, there are many existence duties that we have to follow. In the same way, Sir William David Ross holds his pluralist theory and argues that Kant’s categorical imperative cannot be plausible. For Ross, the question of moral duties or right acts is not based on what we ought to do them, but it is based on what makes them what they are.




Works Citing

Kouvelakis, Stathis. Philosophy and revolution: from Kant to Marx. Verso Trade, 2018.

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