Harley-Davidson, Inc.


The mission and vision statements of a firm are significant components in the strategic management (Dermol, 2012). Harley-Davidson Inc. was started in 1903, and since then it has focused on manufacturing motorcycles and other products across the world.  This report reviews the Harley-Davidson Inc. mission and vision statement, including the eight characteristics that are ideal for both.

Q1.  The mission statement

The firm’s mission statement is shorter than expected on the basis of components.  The eight traits of a well-defined mission statement are very comprehensive despite the firm’s mission being brief. The mission statement provides the reason for the existence of an organization (Ekpe, Eneh & Inyang, 2015). The organization’s mission statement is characterized by technological knowhow in service delivery or production, profitability and growth of the company, managerial philosophy, unique features, the target customers, firm’s public image, the significance of products/services, employees and stakeholders self-concept.

The message that the mission statement of the organization conveys has the following components. The first component include ensuring that the firm attains its dream through motorcycling. The second component entails expanding the product and service lines. This will help the organization to target a variety of the population in the market (Alawneh, 2015). Lastly, the firm targets a selected segment in the market. The aim of the organization is to ensure that the selected population gets the required products and services.

The above statement outlines, the firm’s approaches in improving its business. For example, Harley-Davidson utilizes experiences and dream fulfillment of motorcycling as a way of attracting potential customers and penetrating the market. The mission further advocates for product mix expansion. For example, in the product mix, Harley-Davidson aims to include additional product lines to grow the business. The mission statement is also clear about the firm’s market segmentation.

The characteristics of Harley-Davidson’s mission statement include the following.

Basic services or products offered

In the firm’s mission, it is evident that the company states the products it offers and the related services. It provides motorcycle brands and other services.

Primary market

The firm’s market segment is well stated in the mission statement. It seeks to provide motorcycling services and motorcycles to motorcyclists and the general public.

Business self-concept

From the firm’s mission statement, it is evident that employees can adopt not only quality but also a consistent provision of services. Similarly, key stakeholders through the mission statement can familiarize themselves with products and services of the firm (Genç, 2012).

However, the mission statement of the organization failed to identify some of the characteristics of the ideal mission statement such as the managerial characteristics, the type of technology used in the motorcycles production, unique features, the advantages and the benefits of the products. The mission statement further failed to mention survival concern through growth and profitability.



Q2. Vision Statement

According to Ekpe, Eneh and Inyang (2015), a vision is a statement that provides details on the company’s future aspirations. The characteristics of the vision statement include: inspiring, brief, understandable, current, verifiable, stretch, focused and time-bound. In the Harley-Davidsons vision statements that are some characteristics that are present. The characteristics are outlined as:


The firm’s vision statement enables the employees to have a positive feeling about the objectives. Additionally, the employees are motivated towards meeting the firm’s vision, because there is a well-stipulated direction. Consequently, the employees are motivated towards adopting the firm’s culture.


Harley-Davidson, Inc. has a focused vision statement with four major elements of the company’s performance. The aspects are important in ensuring its success. The employees work as a team to meet the firm’s objectives.


It is easy to understand the vision of statement. It is straightforward and clear. Therefore, the firm’s employees can understand it easily.


The firm’s vision statement is current, and it is updated on frequent basis.


The firm’s vision statement can pass reality test if it is subjected to one.

Time bound

Harley-Davidson Inc. vision statement has a timeline that specifies when the outlined aspirations will be realized.

Even though the firm’s vision statement provides its future aspirations, the used phrase is in the present tense. It could have been ideal if the future tense was used. Consequently, the vision statement is not brief. Therefore, it is challenging for the firm’s employees to recall it. It also fails to outline a timeframe for realization the aspirations. Finally, the visions goal is not stretchable. This limits the objectives.


When the Harley-Davidson Inc. vision and mission statement are analyzed, logically they have similar purposes. They also have same objectives that are achievable. Both the mission and vision statement of the firm have the potential of not only motivating but also supporting the employees in realizing the firm’s goals. Whereas Harley-Davidson Inc. mission and vision statement are broad in nature, both of they have update goals. The goals are updated yearly and are measurable. It is significant to point out that Harley-Davidson organizational goals, vision statement and mission statement are well aligned and would effectively meet the firm’s objectives.



Alawneh, A. A. (2015). The Impact of Mission Statement on Performance: An Exploratory Study in the Jordanian Banking Industry. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 16(4), 73-87.

Dermol, V. (2012). Relationship between mission statement and company performance. Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University-Economics, 59(1), 321-336.

Ekpe, E. O., Eneh, S. I., & Inyang, B. J. (2015). Leveraging Organizational Performance through Effective Mission Statement. International Business Research, 8(9), 135-141.

Genç, K. Y. (2012). The Relation between the Quality of the Mission Statements and the Performances of the State Universities in Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 19-28.


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