How Happy Brains Respond to Negative Things

How Happy Brains Respond to Negative Things

From recent research, people respond to different obstructions differently, and this reveals more about our brains. People with bright characters can regulate their moods better than the ones with gloomy dispositions. These gloomy people are easily affected by negative things they experience in their daily lives. Happier people tend always to see the positive side of everything even the negative things they see in life. The optimistic people also rely on the good things which allow them to remain happy throughout their life (Allen & Smith, 2016). Therefore, happier people tend to see the better part in a situation even though they see the wrong side too.

This study is encouraging in real life because seeing the best in the worst situations keeps a person motivated to tackle every challenge posted on your way. People respond to different occasions under the control of a part of the brain called amygdala. Amygdala controls anxiety and depression while it is also a fear sensing center according to scientists. Although many people tend to focus on the negative trends only, it is good to also focus on the positive ones too. The negative stimuli sensing of human beings is automatic, but this automation can also apply to the positive side of thinking (Allen & Smith, 2016). It is good to look at the positive in every negative thing we experience in life, and this is a new way of life I have learned. While a person’s brain automatically detects negative energy, it is possible for the same brain to focus on the positive side of the same stimuli under the control of positivity.

I have also learned that our brains do not make current decisions according to our past experiences, but they do so by questioning our goals. This decision making is a unified process which when applied positively can help people remain positive in their entire life (Allen & Smith, 2016). Based on this study, it is possible for students to make confident decisions about outside life experiences they meet after university. Positive thinking will make their life easy while making good decisions in critical times.


Allen, S., & Smith, J. (2016). How Happy Brains Respond to Negative Things. Retrieved             from          _things