Human Resource Key Competencies

Operating in a multinational corporation has never been an easy task. There is the presence of varied problems and uncertainties. Compared to national markets, international markets are more dynamic and challenging due to cultural diversities, political realities, and presence of numerous barriers (Guest, 2011). For this reason, Human Resource Directors ought to develop strategies for the management of employees that are likely to bring success. Among the key competencies to expect from a HR Director is strategic thinking, cultural sensitivity, conflict resolution ability, comprehensive understanding of the international environment and openness to change.

Strategic thinking is more of the planning process that applies operational planning, strategic planning, and innovation to help an organization achieve great success. Given that innovation is vital in strategic thinking, it is paramount for the HR Director to ensure the employees recruited are capable of showing creative and innovative prospects in their day to day activities (Simons, 2011). This crop of employees will enable the organization to match the strengths of the competitors hence have the ability to capture a market share in the foreign market.

Cultural sensitivity comes into play given that multinational corporations employ foreign workers to help take advantage of new markets. The aspect makes cultural sensitivity important since ignorance of a country’s cultural norms is likely to alienate employees or offend important clients (Simons, 2011). Failure to appreciate cultural differences like traditions and language will likely bring division among the employees hence making it difficult for them to execute their services, which works to the disadvantage of the organization.

Conflict resolution ability is also paramount given the diversity of the workplace. The organization employs staff members with different cultural backgrounds. As a result, these people have different ways of doing things. At some point, conflicts will arise due to these differences. The HR director should be highly competent in dealing with such issues. There should be the initiative of ensuring that the conflicting parties are happy with the resolutions made, amid the prevailing environment. The HR director should ensure that at all times every employee is left contented with the decisions being made. Internal conflicts are detrimental to the operations of an organization since they result to laxity among the employees (Jiang et al., 2012).  It is always an indication that there is an aspect of the organization that is not operating as it would be expected. Solutions set forward to deal with such issues should be long-term at all times. It is always important for organizations to keep their employees happy. Employees are a fundamental asset to any entity, and this makes them integral to the success of the business.

Understanding of the international environment is critical for a multinational business to succeed. The understanding comes with the ability to decipher the political, economical, social, technological and legal environment (Guest, 2011). Having the necessary understanding in these areas enables the HR director to act accordingly. More importantly, it helps the organization in recruiting the best-suited personnel to help navigate the environment with ease.

Openness to change on its part sets the HR Director as a role model. In every business set-up, change is inevitable. The more the HR Director embraces change, the easier it will be for him/her to translate this trait among the employees. A workforce that embraces change with ease is likely to succeed since it will always be at par with the current trends.



Guest, D. (2011). Human resource management and performance: a review and research agenda. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,8(3), 263-276.

Jiang, K., Lepak, D. P., Hu, J., & Baer, J. C. (2012). How Does Human Resource Management Influence Organizational Outcomes? A Meta-analytic Investigation of Mediating Mechanisms. Academy of Management Journal,55(6), 1264-1294.

Simons, R. (2011). Human resource management: Issues, challenges and opportunities. Oakville: Apple Academic Press.

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