Hybrid Learning Environment

Hybrid Learning Environment

Target Outcomes

Participants of the study will be sensitized on the purpose and importance of the study. This will be conducted by effectively communicating the role that they play in the research. In addition to that, the ethical considerations for the study will be demonstrated to the audience before they can take part in the study. Additionally, I will ensure that I incorporate ethos in the learning environment by providing that I use all ethical rules and regulations in communicating my message to the audience. The principle of pathos will provide that trigger the audience emotions to ensure that they quickly understand my word. Additionally, I will ensure that logos which refers to ensuring that I appeal the logic of my audience.

Target Audience


The target audience for my learning environment will be youths between the age of 20 -24 years. This is because they are more suited to understand the importance of college education within their context.


Online Elements

((Provide an overall description of the online portion of the hybrid learning environment, listing out how the participants will access and move through materials/ learning modules/ etc.)


Face-to-face Elements

((Provide an overall description of the online portion of the hybrid learning environment, listing out how the participants will access and move through materials/ learning modules/ etc.)


Resources/ Links

((Please provide links to the hosted materials for the online elements of the hybrid learning environment – Google document/ site, YouTube videos, Adobe Spark page, etc.))

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