Interpersonal Communication

In interpersonal communication, people exchange feelings, meaning and information through non-verbal as well as verbal messages. One main approach to effective communication is the dialogic approach that is concerned with authentic communication. The original message in interpersonal communication is the single most important element as it ensures that the message remains authentic. Approaching interpersonal communication in this manner ensures that the communication is free of distortions that may arise due to translation and misunderstandings.

The cohesion approach to interpersonal communication stresses the relationship between communication and interpersonal outcomes. The effectiveness of a communication model is solely dependent on the outcome achieved and this can be gauged using the cohesion approach. In essence, the level of understanding among the parties is a pointer to the cohesiveness of the communication used.

Besides the two approaches, the message process approach is also important if communication is to be effective. In this regard, the approach explores the patterns of verbal and non-verbal message conveyance. The choice of either verbal and/or non verbal communication is always at the discretion of the parties involved. The patterns used can be used to understand issues such as the effectiveness and rationale of the communication model. In most cases, the parties use both patterns interchangeable in an unconscious manner.

Lastly, the rhetoric approach is insistent on the giving communication behavior a strategic nature. Any form of communication must have a strategy of aims it intends to achieve. The strategy of interpersonal communication is therefore an important focal point in understanding the message conveyed by the parties. This approach explores the strategic nature of interpersonal communication and its analysis is useful in deriving the effectiveness of the communication mode.


Works cited

Ayres, Joe. “Four approaches to interpersonal communication: Review, observation, prognosis.” Western Journal of Speech Communication 48.4 (1984): 408-440.


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