Intimate Partner Violence

Social agencies dealing with domestic violence are not well equipped when it comes to dealing with male victims of violence since they focus primarily on female victims. Therefore, the victims feel isolated. Intimatepartner violence against men can take several forms such as emotional, sexual and physical abuse and threats of abuse. The violence can happen to both heterosexual and same-sex partners.Drijber, Reijnders, and Ceelen, (2013) stipulate that domestic violence is an increasing public health problem since it leads to an increased risk of depression symptoms, poor health, substance abuse and increased development of chronic diseases.

The study reveals that social factors support the victimization of women, male-to-female aggression is perceived as more negative than female-to-male aggression. Regardless women portray signs of violence as much as men do and men are faced with the same form of physical abuse similar to men. Women who are highly educated are more likely to be empowered socially and economically, and thus they tend to be more independent. Therefore, they might have a desire to control their partners if the partners are facing issues such as alcohol abuse, low education status or unemployment. Most women who commit violence against their partners argue that they do so as self-defense. For instance, society perceives a man the breadwinner of the family, and if the man loses his job, the family becomes dependent on the other partner’s income. Women becoming breadwinner reverses the role between the partners thus violence becomes as a result of the inequity of exchange (Nwanna & Kunnuji, 2016).

Belanger (2015)Argues that anxious attachment reflects the fears of rejection and abandonment as well as the doubts of one’s lovability and social value. The research reveals that this form of attachment style brings about trust issue in a romantic relationship. This theory is based on whether the individual feels comfortable trusting the other person or whether the partner can serve as a secure base, it is also related to the partner’s negative view of self and positive outlook of others.Thus thepartner tends to worry if the other can be relied upon and they experience intense worry and chronic fear of rejection. For instance, if a female partner has issues trusting their male partner, this can lead to high levels of jealousy. The partner becomes insecure and readily accuses the male counterpart of cheating. She can go to extents such as invading his privacy and stalking his every moves as well as being constantly suspicious of the male partner unfaithfulness in the relationship. This can result in emotional abuse of the male partner in the relationship and to other extend physical abuse.

Violence against men often goes unrecognized since men as less likely to report such incidences due to fear of embarrassment, ridicule, and lack of resources available for them. There is also a lack of enough resources or studies regarding male victims of IPV. As a human service professional, I would strive to help this population through various means at my disposal. Since male victims are hard to reach, I would use the internet and ensure the anonymity of the victims. Regardless of the reach is limited, I would create a stable network that can encourage more men to open up about their experiences and get help. Secondly, I would reach out the public by creating awareness about violence against men and help eliminate the stigma that is associated with the issue.




Belanger, C. (2015). The Impact of Attachment on Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrated by Women. Research gate, 1-16.

Drijber, B., Reijnders, U., & Ceelen, M. (2013). Male Victims of Domestic Violence. J Fam Viol, 173-178.

Nwanna, C., & Kunnuji, M. (2016). Domestic violence by women against their intimate partners in Nigeria. African population studies, 1-13.


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