Learning Activity 2- PBS Video Reflection

Learning Activity 2- PBS Video Reflection

The ideas of SW-PBS revolve around changing the way that people interact with each other. People tend to learn how they can help each other and the rules that they ought to follow as they do this. It involves being a caring person, to care for each other, to be academically involved and being respectful towards each other.

The teachers’ responses indicate that not only students’ behaviors are supposed to be changed, but teachers also ought to change their behaviors and become more respectful towards students. There is a belief that 80% of the students in typical schools respond very well to SW-PBS. The students on their part seem to agree that their current traits include respect, caring, responsibility and citizenship. Parents, on the other hand, believe that their children have changed positively in light of the SW-PBS.  This is more on the positive traits that they have adopted, and practicing in their day to day activities.

The impact of SW-PBS has been positive to the school culture. This is because it helps in instilling positive traits to all the stakeholders involved and helps to improve the way that people relate with each other. This creates a favorable learning environment since everyone is looking forward to doing good to the other parties. It has brought a shift from teachers having to tell students what not to do all the time but focus on various preferred behaviors.

SW-PBS can change the culture in Central Middle School and the dismissal and suspension rates in San Bernardino City Unified School District. This is because the behaviors that bring about these negative outcomes are as a result of the environment accorded to the students. If the environment becomes more supportive and positive school-wide behaviors are practiced by all stakeholders, positive changes are likely to accrue.

The implications derived from this video for my future classroom is that enhancing a change towards positive behavior should be a holistic thing. As we expect the students to change, every other stakeholder including the teachers should change how they relate with the students too. This motivates the students to adopt the school-wide traits that are being promoted.

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