Living on Mars

Mars is being explored for living since it is regarded as being part of the “final frontier.” Nearly every part of the earth has been explored besides various parts of the deep ocean since they are quite hard to explore just like the deep space. Apart from the Earth, Mars is the only other planet that might be able to support life eventually. With a population of over 7 billion people, the Earth is becoming overpopulated. Natural resources are becoming depleted, and animal’s habitats destroyed as a result. The air is also becoming undesirable due to increased industrialization. This means that the earth is becoming fragile, and there is a need for another planet that can support life.

Among the advantages of living on Mars is ensuring that the human race does not become extinct since it will be distributed. Look at the dinosaurs that used to roam the planet for 165 years. Today there is only a trace of them since they were wiped by a colossal asteroid. It would also help to improve the quality of life on earth due to a balanced population. It also becomes quite easy to reach the orbit and other parts of the solar system from Mars compared to launching from the Earth. This would result to a better exploration of the universe.

There are risks that come with living on Mars, though. The planet is very cold to the extent that CO2 is only in the form of dry ice. Mar’s atmosphere is so thin; hence there is no sufficient oxygen to support life. Living on Mars will also result in the contamination of the planet with micro-organisms from Earth. It will also become quite difficult to make for self-sufficient supplies from Earth.

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