Motivation of Entrepreneurs for the Digital Transformation of SMEs

Motivation of Entrepreneurs for the Digital Transformation of SMEs

Motivation of Entrepreneurs for the Digital Transformation of SMEs The topic is broadly about digital entrepreneurship, but focusing on digital transformation. It is seeking to find out what and how entrepreneurs get motivated to go for the digital transformation of their SMEs. This should be an Exploratory Qualitative Study with case study of about 4-6 SMEs. Cases must be Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Showing some Details / Profile of the Cases. If possible, it must be situated for developing countries. For the data analysis, show codes, Number of coders, inter-rater reliability, etc Academic Level is PhD. The Paper Structure should include: Abstract, Introduction (with research questions), Theoretical Background, Methodology (with research settings, case selection, data collection and analysis), Findings, Discussions (with model/framework if possible), Conclusion (with Limitation, Contribution and recommendation)