NR631 week 2 Project Scope and Charter

NR631 week 2 Project Scope and Charter


This assignment is designed to help students lay the groundwork for their project plans with the help of mentors and professors. The mentor becomes a team member for the project that the student will manage. The student will identify the stakeholders, the project priority, how the measurable goals will be met for a successful project, and who will receive the report of the results of the project. The scope document describes the parameters of the project, including what can and cannot be accomplished and the measurable objectives and outcome measures. The project charter describes and defines the project. When the sponsor signs off on the project, it becomes the document that authorizes the project.

Week2, you will complete the project scope and charter.Based on the information from the mentor and professor, each student finalizes and completes the project charter and scope documents or statements. The project scope must be approved by your practicum organization. Your mentor should help you obtain approval. Project approval must be received prior to submitting these documents. Appendices are provided for both of these documents in Course Resources.

Due DateSunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2

Total Points Possible:100


  1. Complete the ProjectScope document, including signatures of approval.
  2. Complete the ProjectCharter document.
  3. Documents are attached as appendices to a professional scholarly paper following the guidelines for writing professional papers found in Course Resources.
  4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the sixth edition of the manual.

Preparing the Paper

  1. All aspects of the ProjectScope document must be completed, including signatures.
  2. All aspects of the ProjectChart document must be completed.
  3. Ideas, references, and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the sixth edition of the APA manual.
  4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.