Obligations of Interior Architects, Designers, and Reflection on the Program

Obligations of Interior Architects, Designers, and Reflection on the Program

Architecture has a long history that dates back to ancient times. The term refers to the art of designing and constructing buildings. Historically, there is a systematic evolution of architectural designs from classical architecture to its present-day state. The oldest form of architectural designs was the Egyptian Architecture that was used from 3000BC to 100AD. People in ancient times used Egyptian architectural designs to aid in the construction of religious monuments. They also used it to develop graphic presentations, goddesses, and structures with extensive carvings. “The Temple of Horus” is a typical example of a structure that uses Ancient Egyptian Architecture. The other architectural sculpture in Ancient Egypt is the Great Spinx of Giza and the Great Pyramid of Giza. From then, it evolved to the West Asiatic Architecture (2500-600BC), Muslim Architecture (from 7th Century), Romanesque (9th -15th century), Gothic (12th -16th Century), Renaissance (15th -19th Century), and the Modern Architecture that has been used since 20th Century (Yarwood, 2010).

However, architecture writ large has gradually evolved to interior architecture,especially owing to change of nature. It refers to architectural designs that consider surroundings to increase the value of buildings. In the present-day world, interior architects and designers critically evaluate and factor in the aspects of nature. The primary objective, in this case, is to optimize design works and thereby apply conceptual designs that improve the quality of projects. According toEl-Ghobashy and Mosaad (2016), nature is a critical factor in modern architecture since the surrounding environment significantly shapespeoples’ perception. As such, interior architectures are involved in designing structures while considering the need for future redesigns to accommodate changes in the surrounding environment. The emergence of building and design technologies such as CAD is the primary driver for the development of interior architecture.

Nonetheless, interior architecture is quite a unique subject in the field of construction and design. Interior architecture professionals engage with their clients to design projects that meet their expectations while considering the possibility of future redesigns. It implies that they evaluate chances for the change of environmental conditions and recommend the best designs using modern techniques such as CAD technologies. Architecture writ large, on the other hand, is broad and entails processesand practices of designing and executing the construction of structures. It is different from an interior architect in that it does not focus on the structure of the occupancy space. Instead, architecture writ large is both an art and a science that deals with the overall plan and designs of the buildings.

Differentiating Architecture from Designs and Reflection on the Programs’ Name

Architecture and design are two closely related terminologies in building and construction. However, they are different in that architecture entails a systematic plan for the structure of objects such as buildings. Design, on the other hand, refers to the plan that is used to aid in the creation of a given structure. Also, designs are physical and follow developmental processes whereas architecture is logical in its application. It is therefore apparent from this intersection that architectures and designers ought to combine their efforts to improve the quality of structures. The change of nature and dynamics of the surrounding, in particular, necessitate these professionals to integrate their efforts towards a better project.

The intersection and intertwined interaction of interior designs and architecture explain why the faculty changed the programs’ name from “Interior Design” to “Interior Architectureand Design.”The primary objective that motivated this change is to equip students with knowledge and skills on the relation between designers and architectures. Also, technologies such as ARCHICAD and AUTOCADhave integrated architecture with interior designs, and,thus, the change of the program name. ARCHICAD, for instance, enable interior designers and architects to come up with computer-aided solutions that improve the structure and other critical processes in the building and construction environment like interiors, buildings, and urban areas among others. These technologies integrate architectural aspects to come up with modern designs. In this case, such developments necessitated the change of the program name to merge with the dynamics in the building and construction industry. The move is aimed to reflect the scope of the program as the field of architecture and design continuously evolve.

Arguably, interior architecture is not a profession in its own but rather a subject. The term refers to the designation reserved to professionals that have attained specific qualifications and accreditation in architecture. CAD technologies have continually improved since its inception. This aspect suggests that interior architecture emerged owing to the increasing scope and obligations of professionals in the field of interior design. However, the range of duties among interior designers and interior architects significantly differ.

Interior architectures are involved in more significant projects that require aesthetic, artistic, and technical skills. Interior design professionals, on the other hand, are engaged in small scale projects, soft furnishings, and décor, to mention a few. It is argued that the scope of interior architect practitioners is broad when compared to their interior designer counterparts. Designersare engaged in practices that revolve around the interior space of a building. These aspects are ventilation, plumbing, finishes, ergonomics, and lighting. Also, they are involved in a pretty of elementsregarding building materials, human habitation, and intelligent use of space.

Designing is different from art, but the scope of the two disciplines have points of intersections. They use the same methodologies and technique, and, thus,one cannot quickly establish their limits and boundaries when using method approach as the differentiating elements. The distinguishing factor, however, is the creative act behind art and design. As such, design is limited in scope compared to arts. Although the two concepts are intertwined, a design is more of practicality where people can learn skills on how to solve specific problems. Art, on the other hand, involve artistsgifted topractice their skills and abilities through drawings, sculpting, and painting. Arguably, the design is not an art, but a designer ought to have skills in art.

The Obligations of Interior Architects and Designers on the Society

Interior architectures have several obligations not only to their clients but also to their societies. In this regard, such professionals have responsibilities that go beyond their everyday practices. It is argued that architecture has social consequences to the community, and, thus, the need for architects to implement socially sensitive methods. Interior architect professionals are obliged to use architectural practices that improve the well-being of the society besides meeting the expectations of their clients. Firstly, interior architectures ought to create better places by making the society more livable to its residents. In this regard, such professionals achieve responsibility by applying best practices that can transform building and constructions.

Secondly, they have a responsibility to improve the quality of life and the social status of their societies. Interior architects ought to consider conditions in their communities and contribute to their social fabrics for the good of all people. One of the approaches is to design modern structures to vulnerable members of the society as an approach to alleviate poverty, and, consequently,improve their living standards. Thirdly, these professionals are obliged to implement practices that do not cause adverse effects to the society. For instance, they should not implement architectural techniques that stimulate social and environmental issues to the society. They ought to raise public awareness of consequences associated with specific architectural designs owing to changes in the surroundings.

The obligations ofinterior architects are similar to those ofinterior designers. They have a similarity in that the two categories of professionals are obliged to improve the living standards, lifestyles, and prevent environmental issues. According toSmith, Metcalfe, and Lommerse (2012), the International Federation of Interior Architects and Designers (IFI)have been calling upon its members to engage in socially responsible designs that improve the society. Accordingly, interiorpractitioners ought to engage with their communities as an approach to enhance the development of sustainable projects. Both interior designers and architectures play critical roles where social justice is challenged, neglected,or people are marginalized. From this perspective, it is argued that such professionals have a responsibility to uphold justice by applying meaningful, and competent architectural designs and approaches.

Responsible and socially sensitive interior architects and designers have played significant roles in their societies. In this regard, such professionals use their skills to enrich people’s life by improving various aspects of social sustainability in the society. A typical approach to improve societal aspects is by redefining interior architectural designs. Architects and designers can improve traditional constructs through interdisciplinary collaboration. This aspect plays a critical role in enhancing social sustainability in global architecture. The present-day unsustainability is attributed to an increasingly complex world that is making societies inhabitable.

Obligations of Interior Decorators to the Society

Unlike interior designers and architects, the responsibility ofdecorators to the society seems different. In most instances, the services of interior decorators are required at the completion stages of a project. They are obliged to transform their communities by makingbuildings and other structures to have an appealing outlook. The role of interior decorators in this context is to improve the living standards of the society by enhancing the quality of its buildings.

Arguably, excellent decorations improve the living standards besides the quality of life. These practitioners transform family residential units and commercial buildings by choosing the most appropriate paintings, fabrics, fixtures, lighting, and furnishings for a specific project. Therefore, interior decorators transform their societies by recommending the best decoration schemes that reflect the personality of the owner and the community at large. By doing so, interiordecorators would be meeting their obligations at a societal level.


Architecture has significantly improved since the inception of construction designs in ancient times. It has evolved from simple techniques that people used to design monuments and religious objects in ancient times. Architecture and design are intertwined, but they are different aspects. In this regard, architecture entails practices and processes that enhance the planning of the building, whereas design is the layout and the structure of a construction. Interior architectures and designers are obliged to support the society. They ought to use their skills and competencies to address environmental and social issues. They also implement socially sensitive and responsible approaches to improve architectural designs totransform their societies.



El-Ghobashy, S., &Mosaad, G. (2016). Nature Influences on Architecture and Interior

Designs. Procedia Environmental Sciences34, 573-581. Retrieved from:  https://ac.els-cdn.com/S187802961630072X/1-s2.0-S187802961630072X-main.pdf?_tid=e8d9694a-8289-449d-adee-9f646b6c5a91&acdnat=1550848727_a87bbbd6b76284ba8920542a0c9db9ca

Smith, D., Metcalfe, P., &Lommerse, M. (2012). Interior architecture as an agent for

Wellbeing. Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia19(3), 2.

Retrieved from: https://espace.curtin.edu.au/bitstream/handle/20.500.11937/21296/191140_79861_PUB-73619_Paper.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y

Yarwood, D. (2010). A Chronology of Western architecture. Courier Corporation.

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