Organization Behavior Related

Organization Behavior Related

Working in a group or an organization is usually a huge challenge because a lot of dynamics are involved. We had various of these challenges, but still, we were able to achieve our mandates despite all these, with ease.


The group in several instances experienced inefficient problem solving that affected our performance as a group. We were unable to decide on the course of action to follow in most cases. Second, we were not able to share the tasks amongst us in a fair way. Some had more responsibilities than others. The process losses experienced were seen to be increasing every other time because we didn’t have a clear direction for our group.

We experienced several process gains like generating new ideas and coming up with innovative ways when we were faced with a challenge. Process gains were easy for us because of the desire we had as a group to achieve together while leaving no one behind. In most cases, our desire to achieve was inspired by our needs as a group.

The actual performance of this group was not equal to its potential performance. We in many cases felt that we were underperforming, but it was not easy to challenge every member of the team to do more. Working with a group at times means working with members who are not entirely dedicated. We experienced several cases of these.

Raising our potential would be easy. We could raise our potential by tasking ourselves to deal with big challenges while at the same time making our team more cohesive. We were very productive when we were close to each other. Insisting on the value of teamwork would make us better.

Social loafing was a big problem for our group. We had a number of few members who were not willing to work or even show any effort to achieve anything because they felt either not up to the task or that the rest of the members would work on their behalf (Singh et al., 2017). However, we were able to inspire them in several cases.

Based on the Thomson’s model of task interdependence, our group had a reciprocal relationship that ensured that no individual would work on a task independently without the input of the other person (Pentland et al., 2016). Most of the tasks we worked on required our input as a group and only in several instances did we experience pooled relationship. Cases of a pooled relationship were usually when we had processes losses.

The group was a cohesive one because despite the challenges we experienced we were able to keep close to each other with ease. We encountered several cases of laxity, process losses but this did not deter us from achieving the goals that we had set during the formation of the group.



Singh, S., Wang, H., & Zhu, M. (2017). Perceptions of Social Loafing in Groups: Role of            Conflict and Emotions.

Pentland, B. T., Recker, J., & Wyner, G. (2016). Conceptualizing and measuring            interdependence between organizational routines.