Organizational Behavior Analysis


Organizational behavior is an essential aspect that determines the success level of the organization. It is mainly concerned with how the affairs of the organization are organized to ensure that the objectives of the organization are fully realized. It is primarily concerned with the behavior of individuals within the organization and how the behavioral change influences the performance of the organization.  Also, it is also concerned with the behavior of groups in an organization. An organization must ensure that its objectives and goals are in alignment with the organizational goals and objectives.  It is important to point out that there must be a relationship between personal objectives and organizational goals if the firm’s success will be realized. The concept involves analysis of individuals, group and organization as a whole and how they contribute to the organizational success. To have a clear understanding of the organizational behavior concept, we will discuss Telenor Company, which has been in existence for the last fifteen years.  It has been performing exemplary over the years and is recognized for its ability to attract and retain top employees. The paper will look at the culture, structure, communication and overall employee behavior in the organization.

Type of culture

Organization culture contributes significantly to the overall organizational behavior in an organization. It is defined as a system of assumptions, values, attitudes and norms that set the guidelines on how things happen within the organization. Most of these values, attitudes and norms are shared by all the members of the organization and defines the way things happen within the organizational setup.  It is, however, wise to note that organizational culture varies from one company to another depending on the goals and objectives of the enterprise. For instance, Telenor is a well-known telecommunication company and is recognized as its rich company culture. Over the years, the employees have indicated their satisfaction with their work and hence the company offers a perfect employment opportunity.

It is wise to point out that the company has been able to retain its best employees over the years and has maintained a good relationship with its employees. The company is said to operate as a ‘’salad bowl’’ form of culture that firmly believes in cultural diversity and equality amongst its employees. All the employees in this organization are treated equally irrespective of their nationalities or cultural differences. It is prudent to note that all employees in the organization are treated equally concerning benefits and other perks given to the organization. Besides the equal benefits and perks, the organization has a friendly and informal working environment that makes the employees in the organization feel acceptable and part of the organizational success.  The employees are also accorded equal opportunities that can help them excel and develop their careers. Also, the office space is not allocated according to rank and hence giving the employees an opportunity to integrate freely.

It is also worth noting that the organization has a flat hierarchy culture. This implies that there is a free flow of information and enhanced discussion, and consequently employees voice their opinions on important organizational matters. All the employees in the organization have a responsibility to contribute to decision-making processes. The employees in the organization feel valued at their respective places of work and hence employee turnover is significantly low as a result of increased job satisfaction. The company has beaten all the odds by maintaining a ‘’salad bowl’’ organization culture and at the same time keep everyone satisfied.  Employees’ satisfaction together with increased profitability is the fundamental pillar of the organizations success.

The company’s perpetual growth and increased profitability are to a great extent attributed to its employees and the organization’s strong culture. It is prudent to note that the organization upholds high values that have to a great extent ensured the successful spell in the organization. The team spirit is evident in the organization coupled with hard work, and determination has ultimately resulted in the successful operations of the organization. All the employees within the organization work towards achieving organizational goals rather than working towards personal achievements. It is also wise to note that the organization also tries to hire the best talent in the market to match the objectives and goals of the organization.

Modes of communication

Communication within any organization is another critical aspect that determines the success of an organization. It is an important part of the organization’s culture and is concerned with how information or instructions are passed from one person to the other. Lack of proper modes of communication leads to communication breakdown and consequently failure to achieve the organizational objectives. However, this is not the case here.  The telecommunication company is known to have efficient communication systems that bring the desired benefits. As aforementioned, the office landscape in the organization is not partitioned. This implies that there are no barriers to communication and hence the free flow of information into all employees.

It has also been noted earlier that the office is quite informal with no restrictions on employees and hence the free flow of information at all levels of employment. The easy set up enables employees to seek clarifications where there are ambiguities and hence reducing chances for conflicts. It is, however, paramount to note that this freedom and power is not misused, but rather it has been used to the advantage of the organization. Every person is comfortable with each other and hence the free flow of information and instructions within the organization.

The company embraces both verbal and written forms of communication. Though verbal communication is the primary form of communication, written communication is also essential since all the company’s information is shared through intranet that is prevalent within the organization. The choice of communication mode is determined by the urgency and type of information to be shared. The organization has a short chain of command and hence bottom-up, and top-down communication is quite useful within the organization. The fact that most of the employees in this company work from the same office enhances the chances of floating of new ideas and plans that could help improve the standards of the organization. The company also holds several informal meetings amongst its employees as well as team meetings that also contribute to enhanced performance within the organization. The leadership of the organization does not blame employees for poor performance but instead provide alternative ways to improve. Also, good performance from the employees is appreciated and hence increased employee morale. In essence, the company has over the years effectively embraced both verbal and written forms of communication.

Nature of Authority

The nature of authority within any organization is also an instrumental aspect that affects organizational behavior. It is concerned with how the employees within the organization relate to the authority of the organization. As aforementioned, the telecommunication organization has a flat organizational structure and hence the authority within the enterprise is in alignment with that of a flat organization.   This implies that employees in this organization are highly valued and have the authority of doing the work the way they want to. Employees are expected to be responsible as well as accountable for their actions. Employees have the authority to make decisions and take up challenges thus breaking monotony prevalent in workplaces where employees have strict orders from the bosses. This leads to increased motivation as employees explore better ways of performing their duties. Career development is also possible in this organization since employees are given an opportunity to polish their skills.  The confidence levels and trust of the employees in this company s unquestionable, and consequently they feel like an important part of the company. This sense of great value leads to increased employee motivation and consequently increased productivity from the employees.

The attitude of humility and loyalty amongst employees in this organization is quite high, and this serves to the achievement of organizational objectives. It is also worth to note that giving the employees authority to make the decision and take challenges inculcates essential leadership traits amongst the company’s employees.  This implies that the employees in the company can be proactive while dealing with adversaries that may befall the operations of the company.  Employees in this company are taught how to work as teams as well as individuals towards the achievement of organization’s objectives.

Motivational techniques

The motivation for the employees is another essential aspect that influences organizational behavior. Motivated employees will always be more productive and consequently better performance in the organization. Besides, motivated employees are also loyal to the company and hence the low rate of employee turnover. Employees will tend to work for a long period in organizations where they are happy and motivated.  This company has over the years strived to ensure that its employees are amongst the most motivated people in the world. As a result, it has motivational systems that embrace both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation techniques. While extrinsic motivation techniques involve money and other tangible benefits, the company also embraces intrinsic motivation techniques that release inner drive to fulfill one’s objectives.

The company offers financial and other tangible befits to its employees to maintain high levels of motivation. Nevertheless, use of intrinsic techniques within the organization has been an instrumental tool for the level of success achieved in the organization. For instance, this company usually encourages employees to take challenges, delegate duties as well as recognition of good performance. All these have a positive influence on employees’ motivation.

Areas of EQ (emotional quotient) embraced by the organization

Emotional quotient is also referred to as emotional intelligence. It is an essential aspect of organizational behavior and plays a significant role in the success of an organization. It refers to the ability of an individual employee to feel, judge and effectively manage the emotions of others in the workplace. This is essential in any organization as it enables bonding and mutual understanding between the involved parties in a working environment. Every organization should always come up with a strategy for managing other people’s emotions. This will ensure effective conflict resolutions within the organization.

It is wise to note that internal conflicts will always be there in any working environment and what matters is the way we deal with such conflicts. It is paramount that we ensure people’s emotions are controlled during conflicts and hence ensure peaceful co-existence amongst the employees. The telecommunication company has been proactive as far as this issue is concerned. From the above analysis, it is crystal clear that this company has great regard for its employees. Most of the success that this company has achieved over the years can be attributed to the loyalty and hard work of its employees. Employees’ harmony and peaceful co-existence explain the greatest level of success experienced in the organization.  It is, therefore, wise to conclude that emotional quotient is a paramount aspect of such a firm where employees are greatly valued. This has also contributed to the high level of employee satisfaction that is witnessed in this company. Employees can never be satisfied in instances where conflicts are rampant.

Virtual elements (i.e., teleworking and virtual offices)

It is also worth to note that the organization has embraced technology in the running of its operations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. This also leads to increased employee productivity and enhanced overall performance of the organization; it is prudent to note that the company is substantially involved in developing networks and communications to improve the daily operations of the organization. For instance, the company has invested heavily to ensure that the employees of the organization can work virtually in the comfort of their houses. This is a step forward since it saves time and other resources. The employees’ productivity is also significantly increased and consequently leads to overall increased productivity within the organization.

The telecommunication company has also invested heavily in networks and servers thus making it easy for employees to work from any part of the world. With the increased globalization, such virtual networks and teleworking sites are essential since organizations can seize opportunities in different parts of the world. The competitiveness of the company will also increase substantially since employees can work quickly and efficiently from anywhere in the world. This company has strong software and has trained its employees how to work on it to improve efficiency and effectiveness of its daily operations. It is also worth noting that the company organizes for virtual teams so that employees coordinate each other to complete projects that are their responsibility. In essence, the company has over the years embraced technology to ensure that it gets the optimum productivity o its employees.


Organizational behavior is an important aspect especially in the modern business which is becoming increasingly competitive. Issues of leadership and management are also equally important for the fulfillment of the organization objectives. It is prudent to distinguish the different roles of these important people in the development of a successful organization. Leadership styles, motivational theories, and the factors that affect employees in an organization require an extensive scrutiny to ensure that the organization remains sustainable and competitive. The management has the obligation to guarantee a structure and a culture where the management and employees are in harmony and the objective of the organization match the vision and mission. The case of Telenor is a good example of how an organization can effectively handle the organizational behavior aspect for the betterment of the company. Employees are an integral part of the organizational success, and it is prudent that are effectively managed for the enhanced competitiveness of the organization.

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