Paragraph Responses to Short Stories

Ideally, Sammy is an internal conflict with himself from the instance where he says he is contemplating quitting. This conflict takes place in his mind. Initially, the idea to quit was as a result of him wanting to be a hero. It was an act of rebellion geared towards rescuing the girls to impress them. However, Queenie’s embarrassment affects him much. Sammy does not like the fact that the store manager has the habit of embarrassing girls. In his mind, Sammy thinks of himself as a hero, and he is determined to finding a way of protecting the girls. This makes him develop the idea of quitting right then and there. He is also in conflict with his parents. The conflict arises when he realizes that the parents are friends with the store manager. By this fact, the parents will be disappointed in his actions. Although Lengel has it that he will regret his actions, Sammy equally agrees. With him sticking with the idea of quitting to protect the girls, he ends up burning bridges in the community and probably destroying opportunities for securing other position.


The feminist perspective or state menu in The Story of an Hour is evident in the restraints placed upon women in marriage. In the story, the author points out deep-rooted that women go through in marital statement. Although the author does not consider herself a feminist,  she depicts women in unequal roles in marital relationships. The idea that women are oppressed through unhappy marital relations brings about the perspective of feminism. In the view of Kate Chopin, men in marital relationships held power and in many instances inflicted their will onto their wives. This is to mean that women had no choice but to go along with the will of their husbands. Women were considered inferior to men and had no sense of liberty to do things on their own. Lacking control over their lives, rendered women to considered as slaves. In this perspective, they were supposed to live under the umbrella of their husbands care.


The Araby finds the use of imagery in several instances. Nonetheless, the most remarkable is the imagery of light and dark. Light is used to symbolize innocence and hopefulness. On the other hand, dark symbolizes the state of having losing innocence and the cynicism that comes with this state.  As described by the narrator, in his childhood days, they used to play at night. However, they did not focus on the darkness of the city but rather the light that came from the door. That light defined the figure of Mangan sister and made their bodies to glow. From this, it is evident that even though they were surrounded by darkness, they were innocent children, an aspect that is brought about by the presence of light. The moment the light from the door disappears their innocence is lost.  Darkness can also be used to symbolize reality that the children live in and the light to symbolize their imagination.


In the Cathedral, Caver describes how a blind man is open to the experiences of the world. Carver compares this man with another man who has the sense of sight but has been “blinded” by material possession in life. The narrator does not care about the welfare of others and sees them as a disturbance. He is not open to the idea of embracing them as they are. He is described as being self-absorbed and insensitive. He does not regard the idea of a blind man paying him homage accommodating him. This shows his inability to understand the feelings of other people. However, upon seeing the cathedral, the blind man heals the perceptual inabilities of the man. The blind man in his state of blindness has the gift, for piercing the unspoken emotions. This experience the narrator newly able to fund meaning in life and get the lid of his perceptual inabilities.

The white elephant is the first symbol in the story. The white elephant represents a gift that that has is of no importance to the recipient. This is because the cost of the upkeep of the white elephant is more compared to the utility. The railway station is the second symbol. It symbolizes an essential decision that has to be made. Having been isolated for a long time, the author uses the railway station to reflect the desperation of the girl as well as the loneliness she feels. The next symbol is the landscape. The landscape can be taken to symbolize the ultimate outcomes of the decision that the girl is bound to make.

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