PepsiCo Inc mission and vision statements

The mission of PepsiCo Inc communicates about growth of all the stakeholders. The mission is to reward the investors, provide enrichment and growth opportunities to the employees and partners and the community at large. The major thing communicated by the mission is growth. The vision statement communicates about improvement and sustainability. The vision of the company is to deliver sustainable growth, improve all aspects in the societies where they operate and build a sustainable company.

When the company is establishing goals, it has to consider the mission and vision statements. The main goals of the company are incorporated in the mission and vision statement. Everything the company does is aimed at achieving the two statements. In this case, all the goals the company establishes have to be in line with what the vision and mission statements states. Any goals outside the achievement of the mission and vision are not fit for the company. In addition, the mission and vision guides the strategic planning. The mission statement is meant to guide the company, spell out the main goal, provide a path of actions and also guide decision making.

As pointed out above, the mission statement provides a path of action for the company. Tit guides the company on how to get to where it wants to go. Thus in operational planning, the mission statement is the guiding tool. All the operation should be in line with the goals stipulated in the statements. In addition, the measuring of success will be guided by whether the mission of the company is achieved. The establishment of the metrics will be guided by the statements.

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