Primary Source Analysis: Roman architecture

The primary source I decided to read and discuss is the “de Architectura, Book I”.  I am specifically concentrating on chapter two of the book where architecture is well explained. I have always been intrigued by the roman buildings. I have always wondered how the ancient Romans managed to construct such building given that there was no technology back then.  The ancient Roman architecture cannot be compared with other ancient architectures. I figured this would be an eye opener into how the Romans managed to construct such intriguing buildings.

The de Architectura was published as the ten books of architecture. It was a piece on architecture written by the Roman architecture Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. Marcus dedicated these writings to his patron the emperor of Rome “Caesar Augustus”. The treatise was meant to guide the emperor in his building projects. This piece is among the most important sources of modern knowledge about ancient roman architecture.  It explains the roman building methods, design and planning of structures. It is hard to know when exactly it was written though it is estimated to have been written at around 15BC.  It is actually the only source of classical architecture that has survived through the years though the original illustrations got lost. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio main idea was to address the philosophy of architecture. He declared that the societal significance of an artist’s work determines the quality of the work. His work has remained influential in modern architecture.

Regarding the contents of the book, I will be focusing on chapter 2. The chapter real focus is on the elements of architecture.  It is about the explanation given by Marcus Vitruvius on what architecture depends on.  Marcus states that architecture depends on arrangement, fitness, uniformity, proportion, consistency and economy. The whole chapter is an explanation of the terms that entails the definition of architecture. Architecture depends on fitness. Fitness is the adjustment of several parts to their several uses with regard to the proportion of the fabric. He wrote” Fitness is the adjustment of size of the several parts to their several uses, and required due regard to the general proportions of the fabric”. For all parts to fit together, the scale of the work must be determined by dimension.  When all parts placed at the right place, only then will there be a pleasing house. To achieve this three things have to be considered which make up the design. The design starts with the ground work followed by the elevation of the front and the front and retreating sides.  Designing requires thought and invention. While thought is simply an effort of the mind, invention is the effect of the minds effort.

Proportion is also part of architecture. It is the harmony between the different parts of a structure. For there to be proportion, there must be regular and just agreement of the different parts, width to the height and to the length and all these elements to the whole structure. Marcus continues to explain that uniformity is the similarity of all the structure parts together.  Similar to the human body where the arms, hands, fingers and feet are symmetrical with one another, so are the different parts of a building. Economy is the ability to maximize the available resources provided by the employer and situation at hand. In this case the architect is to wisely use the materials that are easily procured or prepared on the spot. Materials like good pit sandstone fir of either sort or marble which can be procured from everywhere must be used in such cases; river or sea sand may replace pit sand, pine and cypress for the different sort of fir and the rest, in accordance with the case.

Economy also comes in suiting the building to its intended use, the money to be spent and appropriate sophistication, the design must be different according to the circumstance. A town house cannot be designed like a country house with the later, in which stores must be provided for the farm produce. So the design of business houses must be varied from the design of luxurious houses, mansions for government officials must be built to their particular habits. Vitruvius wrote, “In short, economy must ever depend on the circumstances of case.”

Custom wise, consistency is preserved when the “vestibules” of magnificent “edifices” are easily put on and richly finished; inconsistent buildings are those with impressive interiors but poor entrances. In circumstances such as temples which posses the advantage of clean air and water gives rise to natural consistency. Temples erected in honor of god’s posses the divinity power of curing diseases, changing the unpleasant environment of the sick for cleaner environment at the temples when they recover the dependence and reliance on gods increases by proper choice of circumstance. Vitruvius had the view that,

“ Natural consistency also requires that chambers should be lighted from the east; baths and winter apartments from the south-west; picture and other galleries which require a steady light, from the north, because from that quarter the light is not sometimes brilliant and at other times obscured, but is nearly the same throughout the day”.

Vitruvius continued to explain consistency by saying that” Consistency is found in that work whose whole and details are suitable to the occasion”. Consistency arises from nature, custom and circumstance. The circumstance of the ground determines the proportion and delicacy of the structures or buildings to be built. Different details are suitable for different occasions. Different orders are prevalent in different periods all depending with the occasion.

In summary, Vitruvius is describing the architectural elements that one has to consider when construction a house. It is good to note that. Even at such an ancient period, elements of architectural still existed. The writings of Vitruvius are very instrumental in the understanding of architecture in this new technological era where most of the processes in a construction are mechanized. In those ancient times, everything was manual and buildings were still consistent and economically built.

The impact of Marcos work in the society is that it was the guiding tool for the constructions of buildings at those days. The work of Marcos has remained of importance even in today’s society. The Renaissance period in Europe was characterized by interest in classical scholarship.  The concept of renaissance aimed to achieve a rebirth of the ancient classical culture.

Knowledge of the classical style in architecture was derived from the ruins of ancient buildings but also from the De architectura. During the renaissance the basic element of architecture was the order. This was a system of ancient traditional architecture. Five orders were used during the renaissance including Doric, Tuscan, Corinthian Ionic, and Composite though prevalent in different periods. A good example is Corinthian order which was prevalent during the early renaissance.  The strength and simplicity of the Doric order was ideal during the Italian High renaissance. Architectures during the renaissance period usually superimposed the orders to fit the situation.

In the renaissance, theaters were developed. One of the influential developments in theatre buildings was the discovery of the De architectura in 1414. The treatise contained the scenery used by classical comedy, tragedy and farces. It also contained a roman description of the theatre. Vitruvius’s work was translated and published all over Europe. Reconstructions of the Roman theatre were done. Vitruvius’s work was characterized in future developments in the renaissance stage and also in the modern theatre. The modern construction of theatres and buildings still incorporate the elements described by Vitruvius’s. His work has remained influential even after the loss of the original illustrations.

In modern architecture, the elements described in the De architectura are being used. Any building or structure being built in the modern world is proportionate, consistence, uniform, and economically built. Vitruvius shaped the modern architecture not only in Europe but all over the world. Even with the technological advancement, the elements of architecture have to be observed for there to be fitness.


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