Psycho-social factors and nutrition therapy

Psycho-social factors and nutrition therapy

Psychosocial factors refer to any exposure that can potentially influence the physical health outcomes especially through psychological mechanisms (Inkeles, 2017). Psycho-social factors that have various consequences on nutrition therapy include stress, depression, hopelessness, and hostility.


Stress causes the release of numerous hormones in the body such as cortisol (Inkeles, 2017). It is important to know that stress hormones can fuel the body for flight or fight through the elevation of blood pressure, sugar levels, pulse as well as the release of fat from the fat cells. However, extended exposure to the cortisol hormone due to prolonged stress leads to irritability, insomnia, and anxiety that cause poor eating habits.


It is vital to recognize that depression leads to poor dietary patterns. Depressed people usually eat unhealthy foods (Inkeles, 2017). It also causes a negative twist on almost everything in the body. For instance, it leads to negative perception about ones-self, situations people encounter as well as negative expectations for the future. The element of depression enables people to think of themselves as perfectionists while also holding themselves incredibly with high standards in society. However, when such people fail to accomplish their goals, they begin to beat themselves at the sight of failure.


It is a powerful emotion that can contribute to an abnormally low mood (Inkeles, 2017). It affects how a person perceives a self, other people, situations and even the world. It comes with the emotions of optimism, hope as well as passion. It is important to know that people who feel hopeless do not expect for the future in terms of success or improvement. The feeling of hopelessness makes people lose interest in essential things such as nutrition due to lack of inspiration.


Hostility and anger cause coronary heart diseases to healthy people in society (Inkeles, 2017). However, it contributes to poor outcomes for patients with heart diseases.



Inkeles, A. (2017). National character: A psycho-social perspective. Routledge.