Reflection Paper on Generation Z

Reflection Paper on Generation Z

One of the future challenges facing management in the organizational diagnosis field is motivating Generation Z/ post-millennials. Today, the management is facing a significant number of challenges when trying to motivate an overambitious workforce that is barely satisfied with their surroundings as they want inclusivity in all decisions (Anderson, Ovaice, 2006). For instance, most companies have not yet mastered the skills of motivating Generation Y let alone generation Z who are about to join the workforce today (Aruna, & Anitha, 2015). The current workforce consists of people who were born between 1982 and 1994 while the future workforce will constitute of people born between 1995 and 2010.

The reason why managing Generation Z will be a challenge is that most managers do not understand how technology has impacted various generations. Today, for instance, Generation Y is not motivated by huge salaries, incentives, and vacations. They have gone to vacations across the world since their 1st birthday, and salary for rent or Porsche cars is not as crucial as they live in their parent’s (Generation X) mansion (Golembiewski, 2004). Today’s generation constantly seeks approval and recognition and therefore, to motivate them a manager must ensure that every employee is genuinely recognized and promoted for a job well done (Caudron, 2007).

The internet marks the future generation as it is part of their education and way of socializing. Managing teamwork will be hard because Generation Z has never experienced interpersonal relationships given that they connect through the internet. They are used to instant feedback meaning that the management will have to communicate regularly and instantly (Lipman, 2013). Although they can multitask, their lifespan is very limited as they have disruptions everywhere. More so, they are independent, demanding, and knowledgeable and have the most significant support from the global society.

The reason why this challenge is personally hard is that the next generation may usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution which will have tremendous impacts on the labor market (Wiedmer, 2015). As some professionals will be obsolete and new ones will blossom which will require new management skills and abilities such as emotional intelligence and solving complex problems.




Anderson, P. T. & Ovaice, G. (2006). Strategic Organization Development: A Seat at the Table. Organization Development Journal 24(4), p. 29-37

Aruna, M., & Anitha, J. (2015). Employee retention enablers: Generation Y employees. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 12(3), 94.

Caudron, S., (2007)”Can generation Xers be trained?” Training & Development 51.3: 20-25.

Golembiewski, R. T. (Summer 2004). Twenty Questions for Our Future: Challenges Facing OD and ODers, or Whatever It Is Labeled., p. 6-20

Lipman, V. (2013, September 4). New Study Explores Why Change Management Fails – And How To (Perhaps) Succeed. Forbes

Wiedmer, T. (2015). Generations do differ: Best practices in leading traditionalists, boomers, and generations X, Y, and Z. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 82(1), 51.