Response Paper: Chapters 5 and 10

Response Paper: Chapters 5 and 10

Chapters 5 and 10 talks about the collection of qualitative data and experimental research design respectively. These two chapters show the most significant components ofresearch and how a researcher can successfully conduct qualitative research. Chapter 5 explores the importance of finding the right participants for data collection procedures. According to the author, it is necessary that a researcher follows the five steps of data collection (Creswell, 2012). Chapter 10 explores the experimental research design that analyses the traditional approach of conducting quantitative research. Experimental research design involves developing variables, both dependent and independent ones. The main idea here is the five steps described in the chapter starts with identifying the people and the places where the researcher is conducting the study. This involves the determination of whether the study will include an organisation such as a school or just an individual. The other step is to identify the unit of analysis. In this step, the teacher finds those who can supply the best information while answering the questions. The research hypothesis has to be taken into consideration while identifying that you need to study. The third step is specifying the population and the sample. If the study is on a school, it is important to consider the individuals that will be studied. Sometimes it is important to have volunteers participate such as students within a classroom. The next step is the decision on the sampling approach. In such a situation it is essential to identify the approach that would be most applications such as simple or random. The next step is the decision on the sample size where the participants are selected to determine the general representation of the population.



Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th Ed.). Boylston Street, Boston: Pearson.


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