Rhetorical Analysis of Girl Crush

Girl Crush, a song performed by Little Big Town, is the source of numerous controversies. The song was written by Liz Rose, Hillary Lindsay, and Lori McKenna and it was released as a single on December 15, 2014(Girl Crush Np). The song elaborates about a girl who envies another woman that grabs the attention of the man she desires. The lead singer stresses about needing to become this woman to acquire the affection of the man. Nonetheless, most of the listeners have interpreted some of the song’s lyrics to reflect lesbianism.

Little Big Town was established in 1988, and it consists of Phillip Sweet, Jimi Westbrook, Kimberly Schlapman, and Karen Fairchild(Gondran Np). Karen Fairchild is the lead singer in Girl Crush. Girl Crush is the first Top 20 single of their career despite its controversial lyrics(Gondran Np).

When listening to the lyrics carefully, misconceptions are likely to occur, but the actual meaning of the song is clear. For instance, young generations will describe the term ‘girl crush’ as the admiration of a girl for another girl. However, older listeners easily identify it as having an actual crush over another girl. Further, right-wing Christians, who are opposed to the notion of same-sex relationships, hence find the song offensive. The song is open to interpretation. The song commences, “I got a girl crush/Hate to admit it but/I got a heart rush/Am not slowing down/I got it real bad,” which might result in miscomprehension but those who keep listening get a clear perception(Girl Crush Np). The song continues, “Want everything she has/That smile and that midnight laugh/She is giving you know”(Girl Crush Np). These lines indicate that the song is not about a lesbian crush but a girl who wishes she was the other girl. The singer only thinks about this girl, and she wants to smell like her, have her hair, and taste like her lips because she has touched the man she desires.

The genre of the song is country music(Gondran Np). Most of the country music listeners are Christian, and they tend to be more conservative, which made the song controversial. Minimal musical instruments were used in Girl Crush, as only a drum set with symbols and an electric guitar were used. The melody is playful, which matches well for a song that is not unerringly as it seems. The song commences with a slow and lone electric guitar. The drums are not played until the finalization of the chorus when Karen sings, “I got a girl crush,” which adds emphasis into the line(Gondran Np). Drums and symbols are both played alongside the electric guitar in the second verse, which adds to the song’s coy tone and mirrors the voice of Fairchild as it grows in strength.

Irrespective of how the song is interpreted, the intended audience is anyone it is relatable to. You can put yourself in the shoes of the singer whether you hear it as the girl who wants to become the other girl who holds the affection of the boy she loves or whether you listen to it as the girl wanting to become the other girl her boyfriend cheated on. The almost pleading tone of the voice of Fairchild and the simplicity of the instruments makes the reader feel her wanting and pain, in addition to her envy. Between the buzz and relatable aspects, the controversy has established, it is clear why the song is successful.



Works Cited

Girl Crush. Perf. Little Big Town. 2015. YouTube.

Gondran, Annie. Girl Crush. 2 November 2015. 25 February 2019. <sites.dwrl.utexas.edu/country music/music/girl-crush/>.

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