Setting goals and targets in the organization

Setting goals and targets in the organization

A business organization that wishes to be successful in its operations must set targets. Setting achievable goals requires strategic planning which is initiated by both the manager and the employees. The manager is hence compelled to communicate strategies that are used in achieving business goals. Proper communication of policies requires excellent interpersonal skills that enhance sharing of ideas.  Communication of business strategy to employees is a useful management tool that is responsible for improved organizational performance.

Employees must always be informed of the planning process that the company uses to achieve its goals. Communicating goals enhances the knowledge and understanding of the set standards among all the employees. The employees can effectively follow the instructions to achieve organizational success. When the goals are achieved, the organization makes profits, and overall performance and productivity is enhanced. Communicating strategies is a means of engaging the employees in decision making. The employees feel part of the company, and they are motivated toward performance. Motivated employees are committed to the organization and often work to improve on the quality of production.

Employee participation in operations of the business is vital when developing a strategy to be applied in business. In most occasions, employees are essential in initiating change since through shared responsibility every employee becomes accountable. A manager finds supervision very simple since every employee is obliged to dedicate their efforts for diligent performance. The employees are issued with the goals earlier enough, and they are in an excellent position to start working them out and apply different ideas to fro the success of the objectives. The company spends fewer resources on monitoring since every employee knows what the company expects from them and must work accordingly to deliver in line with the expectations.

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