Social-emotional Development in Young Adults

Social-emotional Development in Young Adults


Early adulthood is usually a stage after adolescence when one becomes free from all the stigma and all the changes that come with more advanced age. During this stage, the young adults undergo a lot of social and emotional changes that result in maturity. As they emerge from adolescence, they become less free and independent on the parents and can handle their social and emotional problems. Their social-emotional development intertwined with that of their morals, career identity and other dynamics of life that determines their lifestyle as well as their attitude. At this stage of life, the young adults are trying to discover themselves and aligned all their interest with their future (Sameroff, 2010)

Social-emotional development in early childhood includes an acquisition of positive self-esteem,sense of personal responsibility and outcomes, strong moral characters as well as a sense of meaning and purpose. It’s at this stage that the young adults can get track of their life. This stage also involves the development of high confidence in one’s ability, excellent conflict resolution skills, strong moral character, and good emotional self-regulation and high flexibility and coping strategies (Denham, S2009). The young have high appeal for a positive relationship with their mentors, parents, and peers as well as a strong sense of connection with social institutions such as church, school community centers, and workplaces. The quality of social, emotional development t this also determines the cognitive development of the young adult.


Since social, emotional development is fundamental in determining the cognitive, self-esteem and a sense of purpose for early adults, it’s very crucial that they should be provided with a conducive environment that facilitates a positive and balanced socioemotional development.


Denham, S. (2009). Social-emotional competence in early childhood. Handbook of peer interactions, relationships, and groups, 162-179

Sameroff, A. J. (2010). School as a context of early adolescents’ academic and social-emotional development: A summary of research findings. The elementary school journal100(5), 443-471.


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