Some Lessons From the Assembly Line

Some Lessons From the Assembly Line

College life is supposed to prepare students to face life by equipping them with skills that are necessary for life and making them independent, instead of many students go to college and forget that their purpose is to learn. With many taking part-time jobs to help finance their upkeep and also equip them with experience how life is when one is not a student, they learn that life is more challenging and requires a lot of commitment. In this paper, I am going to support the authors’ argument on how the college students usually take advantage of the life in college without appreciating the reason they are there and not realizing the real value of college.

Braaksma has just transitioned from high school to college, and he has been working in a nearby factory as a part-time worker. He compares when he is college, he and many other college students finds the afternoon class as torture because one is very tired and mostly, they fail to attend the lesson. Now he is working in a factory where he has to go to work very early in the morning, at 6 o’clock and. At the factory work is tiring where there is a lot of noise from the machine and losing a little concentration at work causes in the production process. College life is supposed to prepare the students for life after school, but most of them don’t learn and end up suffering at work. At the end of the month, the author receives little pay that he worked hard for 12 hours a day. Attending afternoon class is supposed to make students know how to withstand torturers times which is always applicable in life after college.

According to Braaksma (2005), many students like him remember the advice given to them after experiencing the torturers’ life as a blue color employee. The author understands how education is valuable by just spending a few months while other people who were not fortunate enough to acquire training spend 30 years of their lifetime. He understands that his college life is supposed to shape him and other students, but instead they spend most of their time doing things that don’t add any value to their lives. Most of the time they skip classes and indulge in drinking beer. He sees how those workers in the factory have higher chances of losing that job while it is the only one; they depend on. The author upon seeing this he swears to utilize most of his time in college doing things that matter in his life and those that will add value to his life after college.

The author after working in the factory gets to understand that he and his college mates are among the luckiest people to get to go to college, this gives them a chance to get a white-collar job that is not so demanding like the blue-collar jobs. This understanding is what of the college student never understand and use most of their time in college to wasting time and resources (Braaksma, 2005). The experience is getting by seeing how blue-collar workers live a life full of risks. First, in the factory there is a high chance of getting injured by the machines; this puts their life at risk. A little loss of concentration can cost someone and the factory dearly. Secondly, time-wasting in college is common. Most of the students see the afternoon lesson as torture and hence fail to understand. In the factory, there is no time wasting since you have to go to work at 6 a.m. and spend 12 hours a day working. There no time was wasted because in a factory there is a process to be followed, and a delay by one person causes a delay in the whole process.

Thirdly unlike learned white-collar employees who have academic papers and skills; hence after losing a job one can easily find one, white color employees have nothing to use to look for a job. Losing a job can lead one to stay for months without finding another job. The employees in the factory risk losing them to workers who do not demand a lot (Renee, 2015). Despite their pay being low the factory was thinking of taking its factory to Mexico where there are a lot of jobless people and who demanded little unlike in the USA where people demand large salaries that the factory was considered to be too high for them. What these college students do not understand is that being in college gives them a chance in the lifetime of being a bright future where they will have academic papers that will be used as the bargaining power in the job market. They will have a higher chance of getting a good job if they acquire the required skills in the college.

In conclusion, I supported authors stand that many college students never understand why they are in college and the value of college. They use their time in college drinking, partying and failing to attend classes that will equip them with the required knowledge to face life. Our author experiences how life as a blue-collar worker is challenging and notices how they waste time in college instead of building their future.



Braaksma, A. (2005). Some Lessons From The Assembly Line. Retrieved from

Gillies, A. (2015). Some Lessons from The Assembly Line. Retrieved from

Renee, B. (2015). Some Lessons from the Assembly Line. Retrieved from