Symbolism in the story of The White Elephant


Symbolism is the use of symbols to indicate ideas, thoughts, and qualities of a character, action or setting that is deferent from its literal meaning. It involves the use of actions to represent another which is more profound and vivid. The main aim of symbolism is to create a sense and emotion in a story in a way that incites the reader to think deeply into the situation rather than having a natural look into the issues. Ernest Hemingway has widely used symbolism in the story of Hills Like White Elephants.

The setting of the story is symbolic. It begins with a vivid description of the train station that is surrounded by field and hills which are symbolic.The view of the hills from a distant symbolizes the pregnancy of the girl and the growing belly. According to Jig,  the train station cannot be seen because of the hills that surround it. The hills are the obstacles which these couples are facing as a result of the pregnancy of the girl. Besides, When Jig and the girl were sitting at the table, he looked through the trees to the hills and said, “They look like white elephants” ( 475). This is symbolic the hills according to him represent the baby and the white elephant symbolizing the abortion that he is trying t pursued her to commit. White elephants are rare species and expensive to maintain. Therefore, Jig is finding it difficult to succeed in persuading the girl to abort the pregnancy. He also knows that the pregnancy and the baby will be very expensive to maintain.  Also, the baby (hills) is making their relationship (train station) difficult as the pregnancy was unplanned. The hills can also be termed as representing the shape of the girl during pregnancy.

The setting of the story describes that there is a curtain that is made up of strings of bamboo bead that is hug across the open door into the bar to keep out flies. The flies have been symbolically used to represent their problems. The beads also separate and keeps their lives separate from all other people inside the bar. Other than the reference to the real wild animal, the term ‘white elephant’  was used by the Indians in their culture to refer to a ‘possession unwanted by the owner but difficult to dispose off”.This symbolically represents the pregnancy which according to the couple is unwanted as it was unplanned but the dicision, but they are finding it hard to decide to dispose of it (abort).

Hemingway also tells the reader that the train coming from Barcelona will not stop for long in the station but just for two minutes then proceed to Madrid where they are going to have the abortion done. The train stopping for two minutes is symbolic and represents the urgency of the girl’s decision. She is not given much time and has to decide within a short time; the two minutes. “ It stopped at the junction for two minutes and went on to Madrid.”(475).

The train has also been used symbolically. Traditionally, a train was going only one way; one it comes it and goes, that all. This symbolizes the girl’s decision. Just like the train, once she decides to abort, there is no turning back; hence she must be careful in the choices she makes.

Furthermore, symbolism is shown in the depiction of the scenery in the story. Hemingway describes to the reader, “The girl stood up and walked to the end of the station. Across on the other side were a field of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro, beyond the river, were mountains. The shadow of a cloud moved across the field of grain, and she saw the river through the trees” (477). In this depiction, the shadow that creeps over the peaceful scene could represent the American boyfriend, who his highly intrusive and pressing on his opinion on abortion, disrupting the peaceful mind of the girl. It could also represent the picture of how the society would perceive the pregnancy of the girl who is now pregnant but unmarried and that the act has frowned the society, disrupting their peace.

Also, the description of this scene, the fields of grain and the trees could represent fertility, specifically the fertility of the girl. This grains and were growing along the Ebro river, which symbolizes life. The fertility of the girl leads to her pregnancy, and the baby full of life followed. This was the better part of the station as the, symbolizing that it was the happiest situation for their relationship, though the boyfriend could not see or appreciate that. The relationship was giving life, something that the girl appreciated. “ And we could have all this,” she said. “And we could have everything and every day we make it impossible” (477). Here the girl was referring to the pregnancy and the baby, expressing her fear and disappointment in the decision that she is about to make about abortion, which is making it impossible for them to have the baby. She is very disappointed that her boyfriend is forcing her to make a decision that is against her will. “Then I will do it because I don’t care about me.”

The positioning of the station is also used symbolically to represent the situation of this couple. The station is positioned between two railway lines. This describes the situation which the couple has to decide; to abort or to keep the pregnancy, which is not an easy decision.


The use of symbolism in the story of Hills Like White Elephants has helped Hemingway to convey his ideas in an amphoteric manner to the audience, making the story more exciting and beautiful. It has improved in the visualization of the complex concepts and building of the central theme of the story, in a way that motivates the leaders’ independent thinking ability.

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