Terrorism Threat

Terrorism is a significant threat across the world. The federal government is applying different interventions to address the issue. However, increasing rates of technology use and rising insecurity issues have facilitated the event. The development has also contributed to unhealthy practices across different communities. The government tries to address this by the increasing rates of firearm manufacture which many countries can afford to conduct. The US government is at the forefront of fighting terror. It works with other superpower nations to deliver the best anti-terror initiatives. While communication technology has facilitated the event, anti-terror initiatives aim to achieve the best outcomes in addressing the problem.

Combating terror is one of the crucial areas that require extensive research into the field of security. The initiatives aim to reduce the rates of the terror attack. Therefore, would focus on the significant causes of terror and provides different methods required in curbing with the station even though technology and unregulated purchasing of arms have been attributed to the increasing rates, more research needed on the area of monitoring issues such as immigration policies, civil wars, and influence of superpower nations on the states faced with conflicts. Addressing cybersecurity issues would be crucial in developing precise research that provides a summary of significant threats posed through the internet. Besides the role of social media and internet has contributed to increasing cases of terror. Thus this is one of the areas that the research would try to curb wit terror.

Interventions applied to address terror have improved security. However, the need for training protection strategies and improve military management would increase the efforts of curbing with terror. Besides, there is a need to address the significant threats caused by the internet by securing social media sites and other government-based sites.


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