The Prison Experience: Females

I feel it is a good thing that male correctional officersare allowed to work in female facilities. Research studies have shown that female inmates respond positively to instructions in the presence of male officers as opposed to female officers (Owen, 2018). Notably, female inmates respect male correctional officers. Therefore, I think it is good for male officers to work in specific female facilities within the prison such as the prison yard and security stations within the prison.

I feel it is a violation of privacy for male Correctional Officers to work in certain areas of female facilities such as shower area. Amnesty International claims that unsupervised access of male correctional officers in various female facilities and lack of disciplinary action has led to increased sexual misconduct and abuse of female prisoners because of the fear of retaliation(Urbina, 2015). Reports of intimidation and sexual violence of female prisoners by male correctional officers depicts the urgency of restricting the role of male guards in female facilities

The specific issues that female facilities are challenged within the incarceration of women include separation of children and family, lack of substance abuse treatment options, lack of vocational and educational programs and, Sexual and physical abuse(Urbina, 2015). The national survey of women prisoners show that most of them were mothers and maintaining the relationship with the child is quite a challenge. Mother paternal right is a big issue for female prisoners. Secondly, there is limited intervention or treatment for women who have mental illness and substance abuse. This makes the female inmate prone is intense emotional stress as opposed to male inmates. Thirdly, most female prisons lack proper vocational and educational programs that can help rehabilitate them. Female prisons have limited programs which emphasize traditional roles for women such as knitting. Fourthly, female prison facilities record high cases of sexual abuse and physical due to lack of accountability either criminally or administratively.  There is an ineffectual investigation when such cases are reported; thus the culprits go free.



Owen, B. A. (2018). “In the mix”: Struggle and survival in a women’s prison. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Urbina, M. G. (2015). A Comprehensive Study of Female Offenders: Life Before, During, and After Incarceration. Springfield: Charles C Thomas Publisher, LTD.

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