The Problem Of Pain

In his book The Problem Of Pain, C. S. Lewis aimed at understanding the reason why human beings and other living creatures undergo challenges in their lives even though a good God creates them. The author acknowledges that there is pain on earth because animals prey on one another.  In the natural world, life is sustained through the death of other creatures. The questions arise is where there is so much pain on earth, yet creatures attribute themselves to a well-meaning creator. If God could not have described himself as good, the question of the problem of suffering could not have arisen. According to the author, the issue of pain occurs because the description of God does nit matches his actions towards the creatures he created.

In chapter one, the author defines the omnipotence nature of God. He argues that God is described to have almighty power to do whatever he wanted. However, the question arises whether God is really good. If he could possess this character trait, he would do anything to make his creature happy. However, this is contrary to what is happening in the world because creatures are suffering. From the experiences creatures go through in natural life, it implies that God lacks the power or goodness. This defines the problem of pain because although God has the ability to protect his creatures, this is not the case. They undergo a lot of suffering, and there is rivalry among different creatures in the world.

The author also introduces the divine goodness of God. He argues that Gods definition of goodness must include human pain. The author argues that if God is wiser than human beings, his judgments must differ with those of other people in many aspects. According to the book, the divine goodness of God is not revealed in the life of his creatures. However, from what happens in natural life, it is evident that what seems right to us may be harmful to God. As a result, human beings feel that the definition of good to God should include human suffering because a good God created them, yet they undergo a lot of pain in real life situations. Thus, the divine goodness of God is not evident in the lives of his creatures.  There is no agreement between the nature of God and the views of human beings about his traits.

  1. S. Lewis outlines the origin of the problem of pain. He argues that it originates from the wickedness of man. According to the author, the suffering which creatures go through was brought about by the wickedness of human beings. Lack of holiness of human beings prevents them from understanding the good nature of God. The disobedience of people to Gods policies is the primary cause of the suffering which people go through. This implies that the pain people God through is not caused by a lack of the good character of God or His inability to do whatever he wants to protect his people.

In chapter five, C. S. Lewis explains the fall of human beings. He argues that it is more than the disobedience of Human beings, but had other moral implications. Man was created to obey God and serve him. This implies that sin amounts to the rejection of our functions. Man himself, as a species, spoils himself and the good which God indented them to have. As a result, the suffering which human beings go through is as a result of the evil deeds of people. They are not a consequence of bad intentions of God to humankind. The Creator always wishes the best for people who believe and trust in him.

The author explains the part one of human pain. He argues that it shatters the illusion that all is well. This implies that when people have all we e undergoing suffering, they are not able to understand that God has good plans for them. It also prevents people from realising that we have everything that we need. God uses [pain and suffering to force people to adhere to his rules. This implies that the disobedience of people causes human pain to God. However, human beings accuse God of all the suffering they go through. In part two of human pain, Lewis explains how there is a paradox in human teaching about pain. He argues that people have different perceptions about human suffering.

The article also talks about animal suffering and how people perceive it.  He argues that suffering to animals does not contain any moral dignity. Many people say that pain and suffering in animals were brought about by the disobedience and fall of man. In this aspect, people argue that it is not in line with Gods Justice. Animals do not deserve the suffering they go through because they did not deviate from his commands.

The book also explains the perception of heaven and hell by human beings and their relationship with pain. They argue that heaven is the solution to human suffering. It is believed that only the people who follow Gods rules will go to heaven. Hell is made for n the people who are not obedient to God. They are not ready to persevere with pain and suffering on earth. They try all means to achieve their happiness. As a result, Heaven and hell are two contradicting areas according to the perception of people.

The arguments offered by Lewis about human pain are convincing. They reveal what happens in real life situations. God does not have bad intentions for his people. The disobedience of Adam and Eve are the origin and pain and suffering in Human beings. Before the first man disobeyed God, people lived a very comfortable life. This implies that God indented that his creation would have a healthy life. However, when the first people ate the forbidden fruit, God punished them by inflicting pain in their lives. They were chased out of the garden of Eden and were required to toil to support their lives. The argument of Lewis that pain originated from the disobedience and fall of man is valid. Additionally, animals participated in the disobedience of the first people. As a result, God also punished them. This explains the origin of the suffering which animals go through. People don’t acknowledge that God is good and has the power to do what he wants.

According to the perception of many people in the current world, God should not let his creation to suffer. He should is divine power to ensure that the creatures have a comfortable life. When people are suffering, they believe that God has abandoned them. They do not agree that it is a punishment for their evil acts. Additionally, people may go through suffering as a way of testing their faith in God. Thus, the arguments presented by Lewis about the problem of pain on earth are convincing. The author gives a reflection of the perception of people regarding the matter. He also goes ahead to explain how the pain and suffering came to the earth. Thus, the book enlightens people on the real cause of pain in human beings. He describes the nature of God and his traits are revealed in the life of his creatures.

The chapters of the book are well organised. This gives a precise order of how things happened before the pain came to the heart. Initially, God had divine goodness and had the power to do what he wanted. He aimed at ensuring that his creation, and especially human beings were happy.  However, things changed during the disobedience and fall of man. God punished Human people and animals for their disobedience. This led to a distance relationship between God and his creation. By following the chronological order of the book, it is easy to have a good understanding of the problem of pain on earth. It can help to change the perception of people regarding his role in the suffering they go through. They can also devise ways of alleviating the pain they go through, by being obedient to God.

  1. S. Lewis treats the positions of opponents regarding the matter fairly. He does not take time to give the drawbacks of the arguments of his opponents. He respects their views regarding the problem of pain on earth. C. S. Lewis is only concerned about providing his opinions regarding the matter. He is not interested in what other people argue about the issue. The author does not depend on previous research regarding the matter. He gives his uncompromised opinion regarding the matter.


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