Thin Layer Chromatography

The thin layer chromatography is a system used to separate mixtures with polar and non-polar compounds.

Stationary phase entails a solid or liquid state of a chromatography system where materials are partly absorbed or differentiated while mobile phase involves a liquid or gas that is moves in the chromatography system and moves elements over the stationary phase.

It is essential to use a pen in writing TLC plate as the ink in pen will move to the TLC solvent in the chromatography. Thus it is advisable to use a pencil when writing in the TLC plate.

It is not possible for the retention value to be greater than one because for the value to be 1, the chromatographic pigment has to move more than the solvent in the chromatographic system.

Using non-polar elements such as hexane which have a higher retention value will affect the way the chromatogram will appear as the non-polar elements rapidly move towards the plate.

The compounds in the chromatography system have different rankings due to their polarity. This entails the sensitivity of the compounds towards the solvent used. The compound with a higher retention value was because it is not readily soluble in the solvent used (Coskun 156). 1-hexanol has alower retention value because its molecules are solublewith the solvent whereas 1-decanol has a higher retention value since its molecules do not get soluble in the chromatography solvent easily.

The retention factor will reduce since the compounds in the chromatography will become soluble in the solvent used in the experiment. This would result in solubility of the pigment to bealtered hence shifting the retention factor.


Work Cited

Coskun, Ozlem. “Separation techniques: chromatography.” Northern clinics of Istanbul 3.2 (2016): 156.

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