Emergency Management Competency

According to Barbara, et al., (2007), competency is defined as specific knowledge, element, skill, and ability that is objective and measurable on the job. The aim of competency is the provision of effective performances in the different the different job responsibilities which lead to the success of the entire organization. The proficiency of competency is measured by three aspects which include awareness, operations, and expertise. Awareness refers to the general understanding of the responsibilities within an organization. Operations, on the other hand, refer to the knowledge of a person to safely perform the responsibilities assigned, and lastly, expertise refers to the operations-level proficiency in solving of problems and making of expert decisions in an organization(Reilly, &Markenson, 2010).

All personnel in the emergency health care setting are expected to show certain levels of competency in their day to day activities. The question of whether Barbara et al., (2007), is asking too much from the personnel can be looked into two different perspectives. To begin with, it is worth noting that competency is not an exception for the hospital staffs and its something that is expected of them. Every patient or client who seeks services or who is in the needs of their services expects to be handled with high levels of professionalism. With this argument to be achieved it would mean that the competencies framework document must be followed to the letter and no one is asking too much from anyone. All the document is doing is just an analysis of what the person should do.

On the other hand, one may argue that the competencies framework document by Barbara, et al., (2007), is asking too much from them. No one has the full ability to perform everything documented to the letter and most of the times some hiccups may be witnessed. The document contains a lot of requirements for the healthcare emergency management staffs in different job groups and descriptions. The staff may be required to perform all of them, but it would be very unrealistic and illogical to accomplish them. What Barbara and co would have done was to simplify the requirements and leave the basics together with the most key that if not performed would result in incompetency. It would be advisable also for organizations to hold training for their staffs and train them on the different aspects of competency for the sharpening of their skills and ability. These pieces of training would also work in favor of the job performance in the different positions that each of the staffs holds.




Barbara, J. A., Macintyre, A. G., & Shaw, G.Seefried,  V.,Westerman, L., & Sergio de Cosmo     (2007). VHA-EMA Emergency Response and Recovery Competencies: Competency       Framework Final Report. Emergency Response and Recovery.

Reilly, M. J., &Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health care emergency management: Principles and      practice. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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