Health Care Delivery System


Global Healthcare Systems has seen significant changes, developments, reforms and improvement in the last thirty years. The actors in the industry are governmental and non-governmental.  Both playa role in rectifying global healthcare systems. Many opportunities are available while at the same time myriads of challenges remain and more so in developing nations.

The lessons from historical trends are essential to the management especially in setting plans for the future technology-driven society who will have useful, economical and epidemiological uncertainties. Health care delivery systems as a course covers many relevant topics in  health  management which  include; History of health care delivery systems, organization of health care facilities, financing health care, government roles on health care delivery system, Accreditation and certification, organizations influencing health care delivery systems, health care technology and the current trends in health care delivery.

The health delivery systems course offers excellent lessons to aspiring managers in the health sector by giving them directions through a given set of plans and policies adopted by the private sector as well as government and other groups in areas like financing and personal healthcare delivery. The coverage of the course elucidates the fact that public health care focuses on threats to the overall community determined by the health analysis of the population. According to the health care delivery course, many governments acknowledge the function of public health programs in the reduction of incidence of disease, disability and health inequities.

The emergence of chronic ailments which require expensive treatment and care is making most health managers and policymakers look into healthcare delivery practices. The course study revealed that more international and national initiatives had been taken to build up national health organizations as the main component for the universal health system. It is essential in having a vivid and unlimited sight for national health systems that may result in the advancement of global health.

Selection and elaboration of indicators of performance depend mainly on the conceptual framework that is adapted for evaluation of the performance of health systems. Health care delivery system like other social systems is adaptive but complex systems in that the change required does not adhere to fixed management models. The content of the course indicates that in complex systems, dependency on paths, emergent properties among other non-linear patterns are seen, which can cause the development of guidelines which are essential in responsive health systems.

The financial aspect of the health care delivery system is one of my most valuable learning experiences in this course. The assessment of access to health care is vital on a financial approach because it is the most compliant to policy intervention (Wolper, 2010). The main methods available for funding health national health insurance, general taxation to municipality or state, private health insurance, payments out of pocket and donations and charities.

The study clearly explains the importance of information in the delivery of modern health care and health systems efficiency. The health informatics which entails the intersection of medicine, information science, and healthcare and it deals with methods, devices, resources, and required to optimize the use of information in biomedicine and health. The type of health data information includes medical records of patients, hospital administration, and human resource function. The purpose of information and communication technologies are being used to enhance health systems in less developed countries through computer-aided diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and standardization of health information.

The knowledge and awareness skills gained from the study indicates that health systems and health care in the world are going through many reforms (Omachonu, 2010). Furthermore, in the international arena, the institutions that exist for multilateral cooperation are faced with unexpected challenges and therefore find it difficult to fulfill their mandates.

The other aspect is the overlapping efforts among the various multilateral companies and ironically creates a situation that avoids the delivery of critical functions. The additional insight gained from the study is the fact that transnational corporations and non-governmental organizations are becoming prominent. The difficulty experienced in today’s world in trying to define the health system and what it consists of is evident. The World Health Organization has describedthe operations of health as ventures whose chief responsibility is promotion, restoration, and maintenance of health.

Several forces are changing the model of health and disease as well as enhancing the need for organization arrangements (Wolper, 2010). The way governments are coming up with new national health structures, and universal health should be redefined to respond appropriately to challenges that are emerging. Environmental forces and geopolitical forces will be the driving forces behind the delivery for health management and finance in the coming decade hence resulting in adjustments in health systems and hospitals.

The future of healthcare systems will mostly be dependent on the present day developments, and both government and non-governmental institutions did research studies. The healthcare systems currently have a responsibility of addressing different challenges that result from advancement in the medical field. The valuable topics that are worth revisiting in the future are the diversity in delivery models, empowered patients, environmental forces and organizational core competencies. The investment in the health workforce will be a subject that deserves revisiting. Community-based services deployment, investment in midwifery education is some of the future healthcare delivery systems milestones.

Emerging issues in the global health community will be of interest to revisit if the healthier outcome is to be realized. The effect of nutrition, women empowerment, sanitation in driving, unfavorable outcome, and mortality are to be understood. Globalization and technological advancement which have played a role in healthcare transformation is an emotive topic that requires review. This concept has made remote diagnosis a common phenomenon, and cheaper travels as part of the trend have increased the number of people looking for medication across the globe.

The changes that will be witnessed in healthcare delivery systems are immense, and the patterns will repeat itself. Provision and maintenance of proper sanitation, clean water will be the main struggle. Medical science will attempt to resolve the issue of chronic diseases and thus improve the rate of life expectancies. Care will not be the same since there will be new modern techniques that will replace the traditional approaches and thus the lines that exist between tertiary and secondary care will be blurred (Durrani, 2016).

On the other hand, technology will allow individuals to understand better the agents that are infectious, the causes and what spreads the diseases expeditiously, and eventually production of effective vaccines. Countries at the international level will attempt to reduce expenses and adopt more open systems and the involvement of the private sector in healthcare delivery (Durrani, 2016).




Durrani, H. (2016). Healthcare and healthcare systems : inspiring progress and future prospects, (January), 1–9.

The author of the paper healthcare and healthcare systems discusses challenges and opportunities that exist in global health care systems in the current and even the future. The paper analyses the future needs of healthcare delivery systems, and reviews the main achievements and challenges faced globally both in developing and developed countries.


Omachonu, V. K. (2010). Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems : A Conceptual Framework, 15(1), 1–20.

The author defines innovation in healthcare and how it occurs. The paper further explains the dimensions of healthcare innovations by emphasizing the need to clarify the concepts of change for easy evaluation and adoption by policymakers and practitioners. The author presents research questions pertinent to the field of healthcare innovation which holds the key to future advances in the healthcare delivery system.


Wolper, L. F. (2010). Health Care Administration: Managing organized delivery systems (5th Editio). Jones and Bartlett.

Wolper explores the fact that every healthcare system must deal with trade-off among issues of financial access, cost, and quality. The author explains his arguments using the twelve country comparison where there are different classes of people with different incomes. The analogy that the author makes helps to inform the debate on reforming the healthcare delivery systems.


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