Innovation Annotated Bibliography

Cook, P. J. (2016). Leading innovation, creativity, and enterprise. Industrial and Commercial Training48(6), 294-299.

In this article, the author Peter Cook seeks to examine how teams leaders in organizations encourage ideas from their team members which seem volatile, ambiguous, uncertain and complex into in the most profitable and sustainable. Through interview and case studies, the author has collected real-time data to support his argument. The rhetorical strategy used by the author to support his argument is that more than half of global chief ecology offers are confident that their organization’s are well prepared to handle a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment.

I personally agree to Peter Cook’s findings that the Brain-Based Enterprises needs more of leader-follower approach rather than management. Also, it is better to use collaborative approaches instead of business approaches well as working with their competitors, colleagues, and customers to come up with unique ideas. By proving that leadership yields better results than management, the study is convincing as it has been established in other studies by different authors. The flaw in the authors’ argument is that the author does not take into consideration the leaders who turn down ideas which seems viable from their team members who later becomes profitable. The argument of the author has influenced me in that it has affirmed my believe that when a leader listens and works together with their team members, the firm yields more profits.

Johannessen, J. A., &Skaalsvik, H. (2015). The development of innovations in organizations: the role of creative energy fields. Kybernetes44(1), 89-106.

This article by Johannessen and Skaalsvik seeks to establish how innovation is developed in organizations taking a look of the duties and role played creativity in energy fields. It seeks to affirm that through creative fields, change in organizations is attainable. The authors have supported their arguments by conducting research through an analytical model to support their case. The rhetorical strategy in this is article is how ideas are turned into productive innovations.

It totally agree with the argument of this article that creative ideas turns out to be the ost profitable innovations in the world. It is convincing since in organizations where individuals with creative minds comes together discusses their ideals, come up with the best strategies to support it  turns out to be the most profitable. However, the weakness of the argument is it only focuses on organization which only takes into keen consideration of innovations but fails to recognize those which do not.  The authors arguments influence me in that given that am very interest on innovation among firms as it have established that firms should give room for innovation and creative ideals for them to remain relevant to the modern world.

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