Management in the Organization

According to Mary Parker Follet defines management as the act of doing things through people. Other Scholars have determined management by incorporating the vital managerial functions in the organization. The management functions entail planning, organizing, leading and controlling among others. Additionally, Peter Drucker defines management in which the organization manages the business the manager manages the worker and work. The concept of management has been described as it reflects both a science, art, and profession. The functional school of thought defines management through its function.

Additionally, the behavioral school of thought focuses on the process affecting the organization whereas both the systematic and contingency approach focuses on the entire organization dynamics. In a bid to understand management, we will concentrate on the reality of work and how this is similar to or differs from the image of action portrayed in orthodox management kinds of literature

The focus on management borrows from the traditional and scientific school of thought which emphasize management as an essential aspect of the management in which organizational activities are planned organized and control to achieve the fundamental goals of the organization. The employee is viewed as a worker in which he needs to be assigned a task, set a timeline or deadline to accomplish the set task and need to be guided. The orthodoxy believes in the management by walking around as the means to achieve the organizational goals. However, their belief has no place in the contemporary management in which the worker requires a clean environment, conducive workplace and need not be monitored. The management by objectives is an essential aspect in which the human being is viewed as a knowledge worker and not as an instruction receiver or messenger.

The classical perspective on the nature of work should commensurate to the pay and support the Maslow theory of needs in which they assert that human beings need to be offered the lower level needs and as they satisfy the physiological need, they will then fulfill the love and belonging needs. This reaffirms the fact that stress, poor work condition, and unfair remunerations. This means that the risk management needs to be relatively lower to enable the productivity of the employees well catered for. This is the best way to enhance competency and exercise of due diligent in discharging their duties. Poor employee is likely to make the management view an employee based on Douglas McGregor theory X and Y.

Additionally, the effect is expected to lead to conflict. This is not in line with the recommendation by the human relations theory in which men are supposed to have a relationship in the workplace and their peers to the superior authority. This represents new management which is focused on efficiency and productivity in an organization

The organizational change through the current dynamics has criticized management as the process of doing things through people as it does not incorporate key managerial component such as controlling and planning but instead defining it in terms of the delegation. Contemporary management is perceived as both an art science and profession in which the organization handles things more systematically. Furthermore, the critics also argue that if we define management, then the act of doing through people should not be the case because of the ‘boss’ mentality that is denoted by definition. In conclusion, the traditional concept tends to veer off even though contemporary management as the build-up from the classical theories. The essence of management in the work environment has been a critical pillar in enhancing the success in the organization both current and future.


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