Marketing Research

Part 1. Ax4 Framework


The knowledge of the individuals involved in a brand is essential to deriving an effective marketing strategy. It is also imperative to understand the roles of the different people in realization of the organizational goals. Wellness corporate solution is a state of the art company that [provide high-quality wellness programs to corporate bodies worldwide. It is, therefore, imperative to understand that the organization’s brand is service provision to other companies’ employees. Provision of this essential service to organizations requires many actors to ensure that successful service delivery is achieved.

One of the major actors in WCS is highly trained medical professionals. The organization is known to have highly trained individuals with specialized certifications. Experts in this organization are trained in different fields who have great experiences and genuine passion for wellness. The presence of these actors has made the provision of services effective. The presence of these highly qualified personnel makes the clients of all shapes and sizes recognize the professionalism with the WCS.

The organization also enjoys an effective coaching department comprised of certified and credentialed health professional such as health and fitness specialists, dietitians as well as personal trainers. These coaches have vast knowledge in the industry that has increased the confidence of consumers. The organization also enjoys a strong workforce that carry out screening with flexibility and proper coordination. Its marketing department is also an effective one who has made the brand name reaches far and wide.



An effective marketing research should also be concerned with the objects that affect the brand in question. Wellness Corporate Solutions has several objects that are not the brand but are connected to the users experience with its service. For instance, WCS has been actively involved in customizing their services to the different companies. The organization has realized that the customization of services has greatly maximized results and efficiency in service provision. WCS has recognized that different organizations are unique in different ways thus customization has enabled the firm to offer service to companies of different sizes and culture.

Another artifact that is associated with Wellness Corporate Solutions has a unique data analysis. WCS greatly recognizes the importance of detailed reporting and comprehensive data analysis. It is the obligation of the organization to ensure confidentiality as they illustrate the health status of each organization and their areas of improvement. The branded and detailed data analysis has enhanced brand recognition among the different companies. Information management within this organization has been critical in enhancing brand loyalty within the different organizations.


The marketing strategy of an organization also involves several activities that make the success of product recognition of the organization.  Some of the activities are carried out simultaneously while others are carried out each at a time. The major activity carried out by the Wellness Corporate Solutions is information gathering. Management of the WCS is concerned with the level of satisfaction that organizations receive from them. For them to get this information, the organization receives client’s feedback through various means such as interviews and filling in of questionnaires. Clients have consistently ranked the services of WCS with a 97% satisfaction. Such information is critical as one can understand the areas of improvements. After collection f such information, the organization analyzes and make necessary reports.


Marketing analysis must also consider the atmosphere within which the customers interact with the brand in question. Provision of wellness services to the employees of the organizations does not specify the atmosphere.  The provision of the wellness service starts with understanding the clients particular population health management needs. Provision of these services s aimed at precisely meeting the clients’ requirements.

For instance, the first step of offering a wellness program to clients is carried out indoors. The first step involves assessing the health risk involved in an organization. It is flowed with the health screening event that is also an indoor activity. This is followed with data analysis and reporting of results which is an outdoor activity. The overall comprehensive wellness program is both an indoor and outdoor activities at the WCS depending on the clients requirements.

Part 2. Informed Insights

The Ax4 framework is an important tool in the development of an integrated communication plan. This framework is essential in making a serious decision regarding the success of the product. It is also the obligation of the framework to give the position of the brand in the market. For instance, the framework has enabled us to determine the purpose of the brand in the society. The services offered by WCS have been very instrumental to the success of several organizations. With increased wellness and health standards in an organization, the level of productivity increase tremendously. This is as a result of reduced absenteeism and increased morale by the employees.

WCS has served different classes of clients over the years. Most of these clients feel satisfied with the services offered, and their self-esteem is immense. From the framework, we can authoritatively assert that the quality of services offered is great (Doole & Lowe, 2008). The clients have rated the services at 97% that is an indicator that the customers have great confidence and believe in the effectiveness of the wellness programs offered.

From the framework analysis, it is crystal clear that the response to the product is positive.  The provision of state of the art services by highly qualified personnel has received accolades from different quarters. This has been indicated by the rise in the number of clients served by the wellness center. The number of potential customers is also expected to increase over the years as the good message regarding the quality of service offered is expected to spread wide. The confidential data analysis and reporting has also been received well by the customers which has increased the positivity of the attitudes towards the wellness programs (Richard & Emener, 2009). The communication plan is also expected to increase the positive response by customers. However, lack of finances to expand services might be a great barrier to the desired response.

Part 3. Passing Along Pearls of Insight

The importance of the integrated communication plan was to have a clear communication strategy that will improve the brand awareness of the organization’s product. The communication strategy is concerned with involving current and potential customers on the existence and the benefits of the brand. In this case, the creative team of the WCS is concerned with making the wellness programs known to different organizations across Europe.

It is important for the creative team to understand that the need for wellness services is not restricted to any group of customers. Therefore, the organization must ensure that all the organizations get the information of the services offered. It is for this reason that the marketing department must come with a communication media that will not be selective. For instance, WCS can make its advertisement through the radios and the television broadcasts (Darwinian , 2012). This will ensure that information regarding their services gets to many people as possible. Several banners, fliers, and other promotional materials can be spread all over to ensure that the good news of the wellness programs gets to the target audience. Capacity building and workshops for managers of different organizations should also be carried out to sensitize them to the importance of the wellness programs to their companies.

The integrated marketing communication plan will be essential to the improved profitability of the organization. Though the reputation of WCS is well managed, the communication plan will be paramount to ensure loyalty and market position is achieved.

The essence of the communication is to maintain the existing customers and also inform new potential customers of the high-quality wellness programs offered. The provision of wellness services is to all organizations regardless of their mosaic profiles. Wellness programs are universal requirements for all the organizations with a desire of improving their productivity and that of their employees.

An effective communication plan must understand the consumer insights. The actors are essential to an effective integrated marketing communication since their motivation should be the topic of communication. Consumers, in this case, need the assurance that these programs are effective and provide positive results.

A brand can only be competitive if it has some imperatives that are missing to the competitors. For the Wellness Corporate Solutions, the organization enjoys a good brand name and high-quality services. These imperatives have given the WCS a competitive edge of the company.

The objective of the communications plan is to increase the positive perception of the wellness programs offered by the organization (Patel, n.d). The creative team expects potential customers to understand the benefits associated with wellness programs in the organization. It is also the aim of the plan to provoke the positive perception of the organization.

The proposition of the communication plan is the great benefits associated with wellness programs. WCS wants to sell its services to the major organization with a promise of increasing productivity of their employees by ensuring their health and wellness is guaranteed. This proposition should be believed since previous researches have proved the services to be effective.



Darwinian fitness in the global marketplace analysing the competition. (2012). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Doole, I., & Lowe, R. (2008). International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation. (5th ed.). London: Cengage Learning.

Patel, V. (n.d.). Cognitive informatics in health and biomedicine: Case studies on critical care, complexity and errors.

Richard, M., & Emener, W. (2009). Employee Assistance Programs Wellness/Enhancement Programming. (4th ed.). Springfield: Charles C Thomas Publisher.


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